8 health benefits of tea!
The health benefits of tea are great, real tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant from China and India. According to purists, the only true types of tea are green tea , black tea , white tea, and oolong tea . While each has its specific benefits, however, they are all considered to be true teas that offer amazing health benefits.
1. Helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer:
Many studies have found a link between tea drinking and cancer prevention, including cancers of the skin , breast, lung, colon, esophagus and bladder cancer. Tea contains powerful antioxidants that help fight free radical damage to cells, a condition known to increase the risk of cancer. Tea can also boost the body’s Immune System and help prevent the body from cancer.
Tea also helps in the treatment of cancer. Studies carried out found that green tea working in conjunction with other teas reduced prostate cancer tumors by 80% in mice. In addition, green tea has a flavonoid compound that helps shrink tumors in lab tests.
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2. It is rich in antioxidants:
All types of tea contain flavonoids, a powerful class of antioxidants. Flavonoids are particularly known for their ability to cleanse the body of free radicals, and support the cardiovascular system and prevent cancer and other diseases. They can also slow down the effects of aging.
3. Strengthens the immune system:
The tea can provide support to the body’s immune system by increasing the number of regulatory cells in the body. Laboratory studies have also found that tea contains a substance that helps prime the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.
4. Beneficial for the heart:
The tea helps to prevent hardening of the arteries and lower the risk of coronary heart disease. A study in Europe showed that drinking just three cups of tea a day helps to prevent the risk of heart disease. The high content of antioxidants in tea is believed to play a significant role in its ability to protect the heart from disease.
5. Controls blood pressure:
Studies conducted showed that drinking black tea three times a day led to a slight drop in blood pressure levels over the course of a 6 month study. Researchers at a university in Australia found that drinking eight glasses of tea a day significantly lowered blood pressure levels.
6. Lowers cholesterol:
The antioxidants present in tea help to prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and may help to increase levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. The high concentration of polyphenols in tea is believed to help stop the absorption of LDL cholesterol without affecting HDL cholesterol levels.
7. Helps in weight loss:
Studies have found that drinking five cups of tea a day has been associated with weight loss.
8. Improves Bone Health:
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Long-term studies with a habitual tea drinker have found that tea can be great for improving density and maintaining bone strength. Regularly drinking tea over many years can improve bone health.