The 12 Health Benefits of Protein!

The benefits of protein are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, they include the production and proper functioning of enzymes and hormones and provide cellular and muscle health. It facilitates molecular transport, cell repair and regeneration, and provides mechanical and structural support for bones and skin.

Adequate protein consumption ensures strong immune defense, efficient signaling of nerves and impulses, healthy hair and maintenance of fluid balance in the body. Protein can also turn into an energy provider when required by the body .

Proteins are a group of biological compounds that are present in all living cells, organs and tissues of the body It exists in the form of enzymes, antibodies, hormones and much more. Proteins participate in all cellular processes that occur in the body Proteins are responsible for the formation, regulation, repair and protection of each organism’s body.

It performs a number of functions within living beings, including enzyme catalysis, communication, DNA replication and coordination within cells, molecular transport from one location to another. Good sources of protein are not hard to find for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

Vegetarians can choose from nuts, seeds, soy products such as tofu, dairy products and legumes including bean variety such as black beans, garbanzo beans and peas. Meat eaters can choose from eggs , lean cooked meat and fish .

Types of Protein: Proteins  canbe classified into three main groups:

  • Proteins can be classified into three main groups:
  • Globular proteins: Globular proteins work in the water environment as antibodies and enzymes.
  • Membrane proteins : Membrane proteins work on the cell membrane and perform functions such as membrane transport and signaling.
  • Fibrous proteins: Fibrous proteins are structured proteins , which are found in muscles, bone, ligaments, such as keratin, which is present in nails, or collagen, which is present in the skin.

What Are Amino Acids? Proteins consist of multiple chains of amino acids and are considered the building blocks of our life. The digestion or breakdown of protein produces a range of amino acids that are used by our bodies for overall growth, tissue repair and food breakdown. Amino acids can be divided into three groups:

  • Essential amino acids: These amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be supplied through food. There are nine essential amino acids, namely histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lycine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.
  • Non-essential amino acids: These amino acids are formed by the body either from the breakdown of proteins or from essential amino acids. Alanines, asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid are non-essential amino acids.
  • Conditional Amino Acids: These amino acids are only essential during stress or illness. Conditional amino acids are arginine, cysteine, glutamine, glycine, ornithine, proline, serine and tyrosine.

Nutritional Value of Proteins:  The amount of amino acids present in proteins determines the nutritional value of a protein which can vary for different foods. For example, soy products andanimal proteins contain all the essential amino acids for the body. Vegetable proteins are generally deficient in some amino acids. It is advised that people who strictly follow a vegetarian or vegan diet include and combine various foods with a range of amino acids to fulfill their daily requirement.

Muscle Health Benefits of Protein:  Proteins playan important role in muscle contraction and coordination. Proteins are present in muscle tissues in the form of various microfilaments and provide the muscle structure. Muscle growth depends on the adequacy of proteins in the body.

It is extremely important to create a balance between the rate of muscle protein synthesis and the breakdown of these muscle proteins . The rate of muscle protein breakdown varies depending on the specific conditions, for example the protein requirement is different during old age when the breakdown of muscles accelerates and is different for resistance trainers who would also need to consider perfect timing along with the amount of protein intake .

Benefits of Proteins for Immune Defense:  Proteins are vital for building stronger body system. The immune system works as a self-defense mechanism and protects itself from various infections and diseases with the help of antibodies. These antibodies are specific proteins that have the ability to detect foreign elements also known as antigens. The body responds to antigens by producing specific antibodies and deactivating them.

Benefits of Proteins for the Nervous System:  Another important task performed by proteins is the proper functioning of the nervous system. The body’s nervous system is activated whenever it is triggered and in turn reacts with an appropriate reaction. The local receptors present in the nervous system, which are responsible for the rapid response, comprise the protein complexes. These receptor proteins assist in the transmission of nerve signals within cells and regulate the central nervous system.

Benefits of Proteins for Fluid Balance:  The balance and regulation of fluids present in the body is another critical task performed by proteins that attribute to their effect on osmosis. As water is attracted to protein , the better the amount of protein inside a cell, and more balanced would be the water content present in it.

The drop in protein levels results in fluid imbalance, which can lead to deviation of acidity or “pH” value in the body from the normal range. Imbalance of fluids in the blood can result in fluid leaking into the blood vessels and accumulating in the tissues, causing edema. Fluid balance in the body is also important for other functions, such as the functioning of muscles and nerve cells.

Benefits of Proteins for Energy Source:  Proteinscan also benefit the body by being a source of energy. Consumption of a diet that fails to provide enough energy for the body during starvation or weight loss programs causes the body to use its own functional proteins in order to compensate. As the body does not store extra protein, enzymes and muscle proteins break down to produce amino acids to provide energy or synthesize glucose and ensure the continuous supply of energy to the cells.

Benefits of Proteins for Healthy Hair:  Proteins helpkeep hair healthy and protect it from damage. Studies carried out in this regard have defended the role of proteins as a modulator of hair growth. Proteins are widely used in the manufacture of hair care products such as conditioners.

Benefits of Proteins for Enzymes:  Enzymes are protein catalyststhat play an important role in all biochemical processes and reactions that take place in the body. Without altering themselves, these enzymes accelerate the rate of all chemical events. The performance of chemical processes depends on the measure of enzymes present in the body.

The slower rate of reactions and processes indicate a deficiency of necessary enzymes in the body. Various protein hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and glucagon also comprise amino acids that play an important role in operating various functions in the body.

Benefits of Proteins for Molecular Transport:  Another main task performed by proteins is the transport and storage of various substances across cell membranes. This is vital for the fluidity of the blood and the nourishment of the body. For example, the passage of oxygen in red blood cells is carried out by an important protein called hemoglobin. Another protein called ferritin is responsible for storing iron and blood in the liver.

Benefits of Proteins for Healthy Skin:  Proteins are also responsible for extending mechanical support and strength to various tissues that suffer from constant wear and tear like the skin. Collagen is an important and abundant fibrous protein that provides strength to cells, tissues and organs as the skin needs to be revitalized on an ongoing basis.

A study carried out on UV-irradiated individuals revealed positive results of collagen with regard to restoration of dermal collagen protein synthesis. The healthy appearance and youthfulness of the skin largely depends on the levels of collagen protein in the body.

Benefits of Proteins for Cell and Tissue Regeneration:  The renewal and restoration of cells and tissues is extremely important for keeping the body healthy. The body needs a constant supply of amino acids for the formation of proteins that manufacture new cells and tissues, such as hair and skin. The cells present in the digestive system, skin and blood don’t last more than two weeks and start to perish.

This is the time for the creation and replacement of healthy, new cells to replace the dead ones. This process of re-emergence of new cells and tissues carried out by proteins helps maintain good health. Proteins are also used to manufacture cellular regenerative medicine .

Benefits of Proteins for Joints:  As already mentioned, the body contains a structured protein called collagen that helps in providing structural scaffolding for the cells. Collagen also helps in maintaining bone health. Individuals who do heavy exercise and athletes who work out for several hours will depend on the body’s ability to produce collagen in order to prevent the joints from injury and keep it healthy and strong. A recent study conducted in this regard has argued for the effectiveness of collagen protein in treating inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis.

Benefits of Proteins for Digestion:  The digestion of proteins is extremely vital for the absorption of amino acids in the body. Enzymes such as pepsin activated by gastric juices initiate digestion of proteins in the stomach. The digestion process continues and ends in the small intestine along with the absorption of peptides and amino acids into the bloodstream.

How Much Protein is Recommended? Regular consumption with balanced proportion of nutrients provides enough protein without any additional protein supplementation. The recommended daily allowance of protein varies depending on individual health and age. However, 2 or 3 servings of protein -rich foods are enough to meet the daily needs of most adults. For example, 1 egg or ½ cup of boiled beans makes one serving. For infants and older children, the protein requirement grows with age.

As a guide, the dietary recommendation for protein intake is 0.75 grams/kg for women and 0.84 grams/kg for men. For special cases such as old age, pregnancy, lactation, athletes and weight trainers, the protein requirement may differ from normal values.

Protein Deficiency:   As stated, foods rich in protein must be consumed properly on a daily basis as the body is not able to store it. In the absence of sufficient protein in the diet, the body is at an increased risk of protein deficiency. Fluid retention, anemia, shrinkage of muscle tissue are some of the signs of protein deficiency . Protein-calorie malnutrition or PEM is used to refer to a range of protein deficiency conditions such as marasmus.

Abstract:  Proteins are the main life force and structural components present in every cell in the body. It is the macronutrient that contains nitrogen. If carefully monitored, a high protein diet, along with a low carbohydrate intake, can aid weight loss. It is also very important to choose the right quality of protein . Protein qualityrefers to the amount of amino acids predicted by this protein.

Animal proteins are easy to digest and therefore contribute more to providing the necessary amino acids to the body. For this reason, they are also referred to as complete dietary proteins . Vegetable proteins, on the other hand, are difficult to digest and lack one or more amino acids, so they are referred to as incomplete proteins .

Insufficiency of protein in the body affects all organs and overall growth and development. It is always advisable to choose a balanced diet with adequate amount of protein along with other nutrients to ensure a healthy body and a revitalized mind.

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