12 health benefits of coca leaf!

The benefits of coca leaf  are many. as it has a lot of essential nutrients for the overall health of the body these leaves have many health benefits. Coca (Erythroxylum coca and E. novogranatese) is an agricultural plant native to the west side of Latin America.

It is a shrub that can grow to 2-3 meters in height. The branches are thin with dark colored leaves. The flowers are small, growing in clusters with short stems. These flowers would later develop into reddish berry-like fruits.

The leaves can easily grow in any tropical area. Native Americans recognized the health benefits of Coca Leaves long before the Colombian arrived in America.

Health benefits of coca leaf:

1. Helps as a stimulant:

The benefits of coca leaf act as a mild stimulant that can lift your mood and eliminate fatigue .

2. Source of vitamins and minerals:

The coca leaf benefits are a storehouse of vitamins, iron , riboflavin and calcium and essentially provide the human body of its need for these minerals for sustenance.

3. Prevents cardiovascular disease:

The nutrients and its antioxidant action present in the Coca Leaf help to reduce the risk of developing different types of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Heals broken bones:

The leaf has the ability to help heal broken bones, probably due to its high calcium content and anesthetic effect.

5. Improves pain and wounds:

Coke leaf increases brain activity , clears the mind and has anesthetic properties. It can also relieve pain from wounds and rheumatism.

6. Regulates blood glucose:

Coca leaf benefits contain calcium, iron and riboflavin. With vitamin A , these nutrients help regulate blood glucose in the body. It improves metabolism and helps play a role in reducing the risk of diabetes .

7. Helps reduce fever:

The astringent and analgesic properties in the leaf, reduce fever , plus other mineral and vitamin compounds help kill Plasmodium in the body and speed up the healing process.

8. Improves the health of gums and teeth:

The leaves are good for the health of gums and teeth . as it is said to make teeth whiter and stronger.

9. Stomach health:

These leaves are known to relieve digestion problems , work as a laxative and tone the stomach muscles .

10. Strengthens Immune System:

High levels of several vitamins, these vitamins may play a role in strengthening the immune system .

11. Promotes good sleep:

Coca leaf benefits have health benefits of promoting good sleep. Just like any other narcotic, and have a calming effect. Minerals and vitamin B help to relax the muscles.

12. Detoxifies the body:

Coca leaf benefits have the ability to detoxify the body and can help to get rid of toxins like uric acid .

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