The 10 Health Benefits of Apricot Seeds!
The Health Benefits of Apricot Seeds are diverse because it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Also, most people are aware of the nutritional and health benefits of apricots . However, lesser known are the health benefits of apricot seed .
These seeds are well known for the presence of amygdalin, also known as Vitamin B -17 and laetrile, which is a compound considered potent to kill cancer cells without causing any harm to healthy cells or affecting the patient’s health.
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Some apricot seeds are sweet in flavor and their seeds are commonly consumed in Central Asian and Mediterranean countries as a substitute for almonds. Apricot seeds are also used to make oils and certain chemicals that are used to make medicines.
Apricot seeds have long been a controversial subject because of the presence of amygdalin, a nitrioloside that is claimed to be an effective cure for cancer . They also contain pangamic acid, which can be used to treat ischemic heart problems. These seeds offer many nutritional benefits because they are a good source of fiber and protein in the diet.
Apricot seeds have high amounts of monounsaturated fat. A 1/4 cup serving of apricot seeds can give you 160 calories and 14 grams of fat. Also a single serving of these seeds contains 5 grams of dietary fiber, 7 grams of protein and 7 grams of carbohydrates. Although apricot seeds are not a rich source of vitamins and minerals, the oil made from the seeds does contain vitamins. Then check out, The 10 Health Benefits of Apricot Seeds .
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Cancer: Apricot seeds arerich in a substance called Amygdalin, also called Vitamin B – 17. It is an important nutrient that has gained popularity because of its ability to kill cancer cells. Despite the fact that there is no conclusive evidence on this finding, it is used in many countries as a potential cure for cancer .
According to many studies, Vitamin B – 17 in apricot seeds releases cyanide inside your body which attacks and destroys cancer caused by cells while keeping healthy cells intact. As a result, the body’s ability to fight cancer cells is increased by consuming apricot seeds . There are several researches that indicate that cancer can be caused by poor nutrition and due to deficiency of Vitamin B – 17 in the body.
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure or hypertension is known to be a silent killer because it doesn’t show any symptoms until it becomes severe enough to cause life threatening complications. Studies reveal that consuming apricot seeds helped in reducingsystolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with high blood pressure . This effect is mainly attributed to the high levels of Vitamin B -17 in the seeds.
Beneficio da Semente de Damasco Para Alívio da Dor: As sementes de damasco foram consideradas ter um efeito alívio da dor natural. Este efeito é atribuído à presença de benzaldeído, um analgésico conhecido. As sementes de damasco são uma ótima solução para a artrite. É útil no alívio da dor e na redução dos sintomas em pessoas que sofrem de artrite reumatoide. Também é útil na redução da dor em pacientes com câncer.
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Skin: Apricot seeds are also used to make face scrubs that help in exfoliating and removing dead skin cells . Homemade scrubs made from apricot seeds help to cleanse your skin , improve blood circulation and prevent many skin conditions such as acne.
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Respiratory Ailments: Apricot seeds have long been used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of many respiratory ailments such as cold, bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. It is also used as a cough suppressantand expectorant as it is effective in expelling phlegm.
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Preventing Cell Damage: Apricot seeds haveantioxidant effects that help fight harmful free radicals and prevent cell damage. Oxidative stress caused by free radicals is often responsible for premature aging and the development of many serious health conditions such as cancer . Therefore, eating apricot seeds can protect your body from the damage caused by free radicals.
Apricot Seed Possesses Antimicrobial Properties: Apricot seeds haveantifungal and antibacterial properties. It is effective in fighting Candida albicans, which is a type of fungus that can cause many types of infections.
Apricot Seed Benefit For Maintaining PH Balance: Blood pH is slightly alkaline (7.35-7.45). Any change in this range can affect your health and lead to many diseases. More acidity is a sign that your body is weak and unhealthy. Maintaining proper acid-base balance is essential to improving your overall health. Apricot seeds area rich source of Vitamin B – 17 which is very alkaline in nature. Consumption of these seeds helps to neutralize mild cases of acidity and maintain a good pH balance.
Benefits of Apricot Seeds for Constipation: Apricot seeds have laxative properties and hence, some doctors recommend apricot seeds for regular bowel movements and constipation relief.
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Apricot Seed is Aphrodisiac: Like almonds, apricot seeds are considered an aphrodisiac. In Europe they have a traditional reputation for increasing sexual desire. References are found in the writings of William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) and John Webster. However no scientific studies have verified such claims.