8 health benefits of almond oil

The benefits of almond oil  are varied as it has a large amount of  nutrients  that are essential for the general health of the body.

In addition, it  is particularly rich in vitamin E , providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in 100 grams of this oil. Due to the rich nutrient density of almond oil, it is used as a home remedy for dozens of different conditions.

Health benefits of almond oil:

1. Relieve Migraine:

The natural anti-inflammatory properties can ease inflammation and lower blood pressure, helping to relieve the pain and tension of most headaches , including migraines.

2. Cholesterol control:

The benefits of almond oil  does not contain cholesterol. But unlike many fats that lower levels of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol, it only lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol .

3. Rich in Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol and is one of the most potent antioxidants available to us. A serving of 10 grams provides no less than 20% of our daily vitamin E needs .

4. Antiseptic:

Two compounds found (hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde) are toxic to bacteria, germs, fungi and viruses. For this reason, it can be used as a bactericide, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic.

5. Prevent intestinal problems:

Although it does not preserve the fibers of almonds , the fat present in the seeds has a laxative function and also protects the intestinal wall, there are indications that it could even prevent colon cancer.

6. Hair health:

The benefits of almond oil is as beneficial for hair as it is for the skin. The fatty acids in it soften, strengthen and deeply nourish the hair, favoring growth and reducing hair loss.

7. Against heart disease:

This cardio protective property can be attributed to the high levels of vitamin E ( nutrient that, as we have just seen, reduces inflammation) and its effect on cholesterol levels.

8. Diabetes prevention:

Some researchers observed that volunteers who ate breakfast had a lower elevation of blood glucose.

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