6 Healing Spices and Their Top Benefits!
The spices that heal and their main benefits are important, so use them to make your meals even more delicious and nutritious. If the dish is colorful, light and healthy, a good seasoning can’t be missed, right? However, if you use industrialized condiments, it may be time to put that habit aside. It is true that they are very practical and effective when it comes to flavoring meals, but did you know that they can be harmful to your health.
Most ready- made seasonings have preservatives, not to mention they are very caloric and contain a very high amount of sodium . Behind the practicality, there are features that take away its merits. With each passing day, we are surprised by a huge diversity of these creative and tasty combinations of new seasonings, but we cannot let them be part of our daily menu.
The natural options, in addition to avoiding the ingestion of harmful substances, increase the nutritional values of the recipe, as they contain properties that are beneficial to health. Using natural seasonings is great, as they improve the sensory characteristics of meals and thus result in less salt usage. In addition, several of these spices have beneficial actions for the body.
Healing spices and their main benefits:
Rosemary is one of the main healing spices. In addition to giving a remarkable aroma and flavor to dishes, it provides a lot of nutrients to the body. It is used against indigestion , asthma , bronchitis , cough , rheumatism and heart problems. Rosemary protects the liver, reduces gas formation and relieves menstrual cramps.
Contraindications: diabetics, hypertensive, pregnant and patients with inflammatory skin diseases. In high doses, rosemary tea can cause gastritis and kidney inflammation.
Garlic is good for the heart and eliminates swelling, so it is considered one of the spices that heal. In addition, there are many benefits of this seasoning. The bulb is rich in Selenium and Zinc which help to prevent heart disease and are antioxidants. In addition, garlic is considered a diuretic in eliminating toxins and reducing swelling. And it doesn’t stop there: Garlic still helps in the prevention of cancer and acts as an anticoagulant.
Contraindications: people with gastric ulcer , pregnant women, lactating women, children and people in the pre and postoperative period.
One of the best healing spices is Onion , as Onion strengthens your health and fights inflammation with the properties of this food.
Have you ever cried while chopping an onion? Did you know that the same compounds responsible for burning eyes and the burning taste of food are the ones that act as anti-inflammatory. Onion fights heart disease, reduces the risk of cancer , and has antibacterial and antiviral actions. However, such substances are only used when eating raw food. Therefore, salads and snacks are great recipe options.
In addition to being one of the main seasonings that heal, chives add a touch of flavor and health to your dishes! Together with parsley , it forms the so-called “green smell”: one of the most sought after items at the fair. One of Cebolinha ‘s great strengths is its easy planting. It can be grown in small pots as it takes up little space.
Daily use of chives with meals helps control blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Among other benefits of chives , there are antioxidant properties that help the body to get rid of toxins.
Green tea:
Green Tea is one of the best spices that heal, as well as helping to eliminate those extra fat. Because it has thermogenic action, Green Tea is widely used to aid in weight loss . What few know is that this herb is also rich in antioxidant substances, caffeine, vitamins and minerals.
Contraindications: because it contains caffeine in its composition, those who suffer from hypertension, arrhythmia and insomnia should avoid.
As one of the spices that heal, fennel is a great option to take care of stomach health. In addition, fennel is great for the treatment of poor digestion , fennel also acts against constipation , gases and has diuretic action. The plant still has in its composition oil that stimulates the glands and muscles of the digestive tract.