The 12 Great Foods for Memory!
Foods for optimal memory are Fish , Fruits and sources of omega 3. Throughout life, cells, including those of the brain, are damaged by free radicals that lead to a decrease in the rate of energy production.
The action of these components compromises the performance of neurons, causes the disappearance of synapses and reduces the ability of communication between cells and thus impairs mental functioning.
News of the week:
After years of exposure to free radicals, neurons can be destroyed and can cause diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other degenerative brain diseases .
In addition, there is a group of foods that can contribute to improving concentration and memory capacity and stimulation. How about including them in your daily diet and leaving your brain tingling. So, check out the 12 great foods for memory .
1. Avocado: Avocado is an excellent choice of foods that are great for memory . It has vitamin B 3 (niacin), which participates in the maintenance of nerve chemicals and hormones that regulate memory. In addition, avocado contains nutrients that help form a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, a substance that communicates between cells and others.
2. Flaxseed: Flaxseed isusually seen as a strong ally of weight loss, due to its power to satiate those who consume it. However, because it is rich in omega 3, it is also very good for those who want to boost their memory.
To extract the nutrient from its structure, it is important to eat it in the crushed or germinated form (after soaking in water). Food must be stored in dark glasses and in a cool place to maintain its properties for a longer period of time. therefore, flaxseed is a beautiful example of foods that are great for memory .
3. Almonds: Almonds are a good alternative to foods that are great for memory . Well, it contains vitamin B12 (riboflavin) that regulates glutathione, one of the greatest cellular protectors against the action of free radicals.
4. Egg: Egg is rich in vitamin B12 , which helps in the formation of brain cell components making them work properly. In addition, egg yolk has acetyl-choline, which is important for the brain’s memory functions.
5. Olive oil: Studies have shown thatraw or “in natura” olive oil contains healthy fats for the brain that help in the formation of a layer that practically all nervous tissue cells have, myelin. therefore, Olive Oil is a beautiful example of foods that are great for memory.
6. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin Seeds are a great memory food. It is rich in omega 3 and zinc. The seeds are perfect for vegetarians (especially those who don’t eat fish). The seeds contribute to the maintenance of the part of the brain that balances sensory function. They can be consumed in snacks, salads and even with oatmeal for breakfast.
7. Salmon: Among meats, Salmon is a great source of omega 3 and, therefore, has great potential to improve cognitive performance and brain function, to record information. Other benefits of the food are the reduction of cholesterol levels, improvement in the functioning of the heart and increase in the efficiency of serotonin receptors in the brain, providing a much better mood.
8. Sweet Potato: The Sweet Potato is an excellent alternative of great foods for memory . Well, it is rich in vitamin B3 (niacin) that participates in the maintenance of nerve chemicals and hormones that regulate memory.
9. Wheat Germ: Wheat Germ is rich in Vitamin B6 , which helps regulate the transmission of information between brain cells.
10. Blueberries: Blueberries arehigh in antioxidants and rich in Vitamin C , they have been used in several studies to combat short-term memory loss. Eating the fruit contributes to coordination and balance, among other benefits. You can prepare it to make juices or smoothies or eat them as fruit in its normal format.
11. Grapes: Grapesare very beneficial fruits because, in addition to having fisetin, like tomatoes, red and purple grapes are rich in flavonoids . Both substances are important because they protect the nervous system, influence the regulation of neuron death and the regeneration of these cells. Flavonoids, also present in grape juice, red wine, cocoa and blackberries, are still very useful for those looking to fight inflammation, bleeding, allergies and prevent cancer.
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12. Hazelnut: Hazelnut is a good food option great for memory . It is rich in vitamin B1 (Thiamine), essential for the transformation of glucose into energy, significantly increasing the formation of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), responsible for energy storage.