Glossite – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments!
Glossitis – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments of this inflammation . In addition, Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue , which can occur due to several factors. When it happens, it causes the muscle to have swelling, burning sensation, edema and redder tones than normal.
It also makes the papillae, fundamental for taste, disappear. There are four types of Glossite . The first, acute, appears suddenly and usually manifests itself with more severe symptoms. It usually occurs during allergic reactions.
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The second is chronic, manifesting with common tongue inflammation , and stemming from another health problem. Idiopathic has an unknown cause and can cause the loss of up to 50% of the taste buds. Lastly, the atrophic causes a large number of papillae loss and results in changes in color and texture.
Causes of Glossitis : The causes and risk factors for Glossitis are:
- Virus or bacterial infection, including oral herpes simplex.
- Poor hydration and little saliva in the mouth, which can facilitate the proliferation of bacteria.
- Irritation from a burn, sharp edge of a tooth or denture, or other trauma.
- Tongue piercing .
- Exposure to irritants such as tobacco, alcohol, and hot or spicy foods.
- Allergic reaction to toothpaste, mouthwash, plastic in dentures, or certain blood pressure medications.
- Administration of ganglionic blockers.
- Disorders such as iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia and other vitamin B deficiencies, oral lichen planus, erythema multiforme, aphthous ulcer, syphilis, etc.
Tongue pain can be a sign of a number of serious medical conditions and almost always warrant attention from a doctor or dentist.
Glossitis Symptoms: Glossitis signs and symptomsinclude:
- Mouth pain or burning,
- mouth ulceration,
- Tongue pain or tingling sensation,
- red tongue ,
- tongue swelling ,
- hairy tongue – caused by swollen taste buds,
- Pests and white spots on the tongue ,
- Changes in tongue color , may become light and opaque,
- Bitter mouth feeling,
- smooth tongue ,
- peeling,
- Loss of taste.
Glossitis symptoms vary and individuals may have different symptoms. Whatever the symptoms, the disease can last for many years before a correct diagnosis is made.
Glossitis treatments: General treatment includes the following steps:
- The normalization of the functions of the digestive system and treatment of common diseases of the body.
- Complete reset of teeth and oral cavity and professional teeth cleaning.
- Psychotherapeutic support in cancerophobia (fear of cancer).
- Sedatives (Leonurus, valerian).
- anti-allergic therapy using drugs with a desensitizing effect (Suprastinum, Tavegilum).
- Acceptance of calcium pantothenate in the last month.
- complex intake of vitamins and minerals.
- Consume dalargine solution for ten days.
- Consume vascular drugs (Trental, Tanakan, Stugeron).
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Local Treatment:
- Appointment of analgesics in the presence of pain (piromekain, benzocaine).
- oral irrigation when there is a burning sensation in the mouth.
- Applications with oil solutions of Vitamin A , rosehip, keratolinom.
- novocaine block in the projection of the lingual nerve.
- physiotherapy sessions with analgin.