Get healthy hair just using ginger!
Have healthy hair just using ginger, as it leaves hair healthy, shiny and silky, helping hair health. Also, the main ingredients of homemade cosmetics are medicinal plants, including ginger . To keep curls healthy, half of humanity needs to put in a lot of effort and regularly perform various cosmetic procedures.
Therefore, homemade recipes for hair restoration methods are gaining popularity.
What are the benefits of ginger for hair?
Ginger contains vitamins , minerals and minerals needed by humans, as well as amino acids and essential oils.
Of particular importance for hair are vitamins C , A and B, which are contained in large amounts in this plant.
Ginger has a multifaceted effect on our hair. Thanks to him, they become stronger and more obedient.
Prevent hair loss and cross section, disappear dandruff and dry skin as well as excessive oily hair.
The essential oils contained in the plant eliminate itchy scalp inflammation and soothe irritation.
How to have healthy hair just using ginger:
Products made from ginger root do not dry out the hair and do not have an undesirable effect.
1. Mask to strengthen the hair:
- ginger root juice;
- natural honey;
- half the juice of a lemon .
- Mix a few spoons of ginger root juice, the same amount of honey and lemon juice ;
- Apply the ready-made mask to the hair, wrap it in a mask and leave it in this state for 15 minutes;
- Wash the mask with running water.
2. Nourishing hair mask:
- a tablespoon of brandy;
- ginger root soup;
- burdock oil ;
- drops of rosemary oil.
- All the ingredients must be mixed until obtaining a homogeneous composition;
- The final mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, then polyethylene and a warm towel are placed on the head;
- The mask’s exposure time is no more than forty minutes;
- She washed the shampoo off with hot running water.