10 Delicious Garlic Paste Recipes!

This garlic paste recipe has numerous health benefits. Also, Brazilians love garlic. Many recipes of our cuisine take this differentiated and very healthy ingredient. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, no wonder it is widely used in medicinal teas. Its use in the fight and prevention of diseases is quite old, but it is worth remembering that it also has contraindications for use.

The health benefits of garlic paste are really impressive! It can be eaten raw, although many people don’t like its strong flavor, or incorporated into stir-fries in virtually all savory recipes. In addition, it can also be consumed as tea in infusions to acquire all its benefits.

The darling of our daily meals has its place here too. Check out below 10  Garlic Paste Recipes for bread, toast and snacks and also as a base seasoning for rice , beans and other dishes.

A very tasty way to consume it is Light Garlic Paste  , which can be added to whole-grain breads and toast, serving as a base for healthy sandwiches.

The delicious garlic paste recipes:

1. Light garlic paste with ricotta:


  • 1 cup of ricotta tea;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano ;
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk.

Preparation mode:

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • Take this paste to freeze.
  • serve with wholemeal toast.

2. Light garlic paste with cream:


3 cloves of garlic;
1 box of light cream;
3 tablespoons of olive oil;
1 squeezed lemon; chopped
green smell to taste;
black pepper to taste;
salt to taste.

Preparation mode:

  • Peel the garlic cloves and put them in a blender with the cream, olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Add parsley, salt and pepper and beat again just to blend.
  • Reserve in the fridge.
  • serve as a base for sandwiches or toast.

3. Eggplant:


  • 3 large eggplants, cut into cubes;
  • 4 large garlic cloves;
  • 2 teaspoons of oregano;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil  .

Preparation mode:

  • Cook the eggplants in a pot of water until they are very soft.
  • Drain until all the water is gone.
  • Take the garlic cloves to the blender.
  • Mash the eggplants and toss with the crushed garlic cloves.
  • Season with salt, oregano and olive oil . Serve with toast.

4. Yogurt:


  • 1 cup of skimmed natural yogurt;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano .

Preparation mode:

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • Take this paste to freeze.
  • Serve with wholemeal toast.

5. Light garlic paste with olive oil:


  • 500g of garlic;
  • 1 cup of salt;
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil ;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 sprig of rosemary .

Preparation mode:

  • In the blender, beat the peeled garlic, salt, olive oil , bay leaf and rosemary  until you get a paste.
  • Remove, transfer to a glass bowl with a lid and keep in the fridge until serving time.
  • It lasts a week.

6. Cottage cheese:


  • 1 cup of light curd;
  • 1 packet of grated parmesan;
  • 4 cloves of unpeeled garlic;
  • pepper to taste;
  • oregano to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard.

Preparation mode:

  • Cook the garlic with the skin in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • When soft, drain and let cool.
  • Peel the garlic, mash it with a fork, add the mustard, oregano, curd, grated cheese and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  • Serve with toast.

7. Vegan Garlic Paste:


  • 5 garlic cloves, peeled and without the middle thread
  • ½ cup of  olive oil
  • 1 large boiled and peeled potato
  • salt to taste

Way of doing:

  • Just mix all the ingredients in the blender.
  • stir until you get the consistency of paste and that’s it.
  • Add parsley, chives, black pepper powder.
  • Or other herbs and spices to taste, if you want to spice up the recipe.

8. Bread mayonnaise:


1 small head of peeled garlic
½ cup of  olive oil
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Way of doing:

  • Always remove the thread from the middle of the garlic because it causes bad digestion.
  • Beat all the ingredients in the blender or mixer and that’s it, pass it on the breads and take them to the electric oven, grill or normal oven.
  • If you have leftovers, you can store them in the fridge for up to a week (but keep an eye on their appearance and smell).
  • The recipe can be made by hand by pounding the garlic in a pestle. In this case, cut the garlic into very small pieces to make the work easier.

9. Garlic Paste Recipe – Base Seasoning:

  • Brazilians love Garlic Pasta . Many recipes of our cuisine take this differentiated and very healthy ingredient.
  • Garlic is a natural antibiotic, no wonder it is widely used in medicinal teas. Its use in the fight and prevention of diseases is quite old, but it is worth remembering that it also has contraindications for use.

10. Garlic Paste Recipe – Base Seasoning:

Very versatile, this recipe can serve as a base seasoning for practically all recipes that use onions  and garlic ( rice , beans , stuffed potatoes in the oven, soups, etc.) garlic bread. The recipe is vegan. Try it!


  • ½ kg of garlic;
  • ½ medium onion ;
  • 5 tablespoons of oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;

Preparation mode:

  • Peel the garlic and onion . From garlic, always remove the thread in the middle (especially if green), to avoid bad digestion.
  • Cut the garlic and onion  into large pieces and take all the ingredients to the blender (or mixer) until you get a pasty consistency.
  • Store the paste in the refrigerator in a clean, tightly closed glass container. Garlic paste can last an average of 2 months in the fridge.
  • If you notice a different smell, discard it even if the 2 months have not passed and, on the contrary, if the appearance and smell are the same after this period, you can continue using it.
  • If you want to reduce the amount of garlic paste , simply reduce the amount of ingredients by half, or by a quarter.


Useful links: 

Garlic paste, besides being very simple to make, is a super versatile item for you to have in the fridge, as it can be served with the most varied foods.

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