5 Foods That Prevent Lung Cancer!

There is strong evidence that eating certain foods can significantly reduce a person’s risk of getting lung cancer . Also, nutrition is undoubtedly a very important part of cancer treatment. Eating proper foods before, during and after treatment will help us feel better and strengthen our bodies to deal with cancer.

Fortunately, we have a wide variety of foods that become true allies and protectors against cancer due to their anti-cancer properties. The active compounds in some of them prevent the growth and proliferation of tumor cells.

Foods that prevent lung cancer:

1. Cruciferous vegetables:

Compounds found in cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli , and watercress have been shown to prevent cancer progression in both human and animal studies.

2. Pomegranate juice:

Studies in rats show that pomegranate juice can inhibit the development of cancer.

3. Turmeric:

Studies show that turmeric can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.

4. Apples to prevent lung cancer:

People who eat apples frequently can reduce their risk of developing this cancer by up to 50 percent, thanks to their high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin.

5. Onions:

Another food high in quercetin and naringin, research shows that people who eat onions reduce their risk of cancer by up to 50 percent. 

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