Foods That Help Fight Hypertension
Foods that help fight hypertension are basically rich in some nutrients, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. In addition, Food is an important part of the treatment of arterial hypertension and some precautions must be followed daily, such as avoiding fried and processed foods, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.
One of the main modifiable environmental factors for the control and prevention of arterial hypertension is diet. Excessive consumption of salt and low consumption of vegetables, associated with sedentary lifestyle, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption, are the main responsible for the disease.
When a person has blood pressure equal to or greater than 14/9, it may be a sign that they have hypertension. This disease is mainly caused due to the contraction of the vessels in which the blood circulates, which can result in rupture or clogging of the arteries. With this, it is possible for the person to suffer a stroke or have a heart attack, for example. And that is precisely why this problem must be tackled. In addition to looking for a specialist, it is recommended to consume certain foods that are able to prevent hypertension. So, let’s check out the 11 Foods That Help Fight High Blood Pressure .
News of the week:
Banana : Bananais one of the main foods that help fight hypertension . Because, it contains a good amount of potassium, this fruit becomes a great ally in controlling blood pressure. A diet rich in this nutrient contributes to the elimination of sodium from the body, helping to reduce blood pressure.
Sesame: The oil in this food contains a substance known as sesamin, which is able to reduce blood pressure. In addition, sesame is also rich in antioxidants (reducing free radicals), has antibacterial properties, is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 (providing energy for the body and giving greater sensation and satiety) and is able to strengthen the nervous system. .
Oats : Oatsare another good choice of foods that help fight hypertension . It is part of the carbohydrate group and is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the food helps in the slimming process by delaying gastric emptying, which prolongs the feeling of satiety.
Strawberry: Studies carried out at Harvard (United States), followed the habits of about 156 thousand people over more than ten years and noticed a decrease of almost 10% in the risk of hypertension among consumers of Strawberry and other red fruits, precisely because they are rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant that gives these fruits their color.
Garlic : Garlicis another good alternative of foods that help fight hypertension . Well, he is a great source of Vitamin C and has a high antioxidant power, acting in the reduction of free radicals, responsible for premature aging, cancer and even heart disease. In addition, the combination of various elements present in this food, such as magnesium, helps even in a simple way, in the dilation of blood vessels, reducing pressure and facilitating blood circulation.
Egg white: Studies carried out at Jilin University (China) have shown that egg white has a substance known as a peptide, which has the ability to inhibit a substance that contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and, consequently, to the increase of blood pressure.
Milk and dairy products: Important sources of calcium , milk and dairy products cannot be left out of the diet of people with hypertension. Calcium works as a hypotensive agent, that is, it acts to reduce blood pressure, as it stimulates the elimination of sodium. The great advantage of these foods is the fact that small portions have a high concentration of the mineral.
Yogurt : Yogurtis another good choice of foods that help fight hypertension . Because, like milk and its derivatives, this food is an important source of calcium, which stimulates the reduction of sodium in the body. This action has the ability to fight blood pressure (but remember to choose the lower-fat option).
Almonds: Almonds areanother excellent alternative of foods that help fight hypertension. Well, like walnuts, these oilseeds are important sources of magnesium, a substance that acts as a vasodilator, that is. It can dilate blood vessels. In this way, it is a fundamental food in the fight against arterial hypertension.
Cocoa: Did you know that Dark Chocolate is able to reduce blood pressure? A study published in the journal The Lancet found that eating 100g of dark chocolate every day can help to slightly lower blood pressure, aiding in the treatment of hypertension. In addition, experts claim that cocoa flavonoids participate in the formation of a substance that is responsible for relaxing blood vessels.
Beetroot: This vegetable is rich in a substance nitrate layer, which is known to be the precursor of nitric acid, a potent natural vasodilator. In addition, He demonstrated that patients who consumed 250 ml of beetroot juice had a reduction in blood pressure.
Useful links:
How to Control Blood Pressure: There is no food that is more important in combating this problem, and the inclusion of certain foods in the diet, associated with lower consumption of salt, sausages and processed foods, the guided practice of physical activity and the weight loss, will result in blood pressure control. However, garlic oil is a good supplement, as it is rich in allicin (antioxidant), which prevents cholesterol from attaching to the artery walls, preventing the clogging of the vessels. In addition, it increases the elasticity of these vessels, favoring circulation and reducing blood pressure.