Foods that can weaken the immune system

Foods that can weaken the human immune system . In addition, the immune system protects us against external agents such as bacteria and parasites. Our Immune System is complex and there are many factors that can weaken the body’s defenses.

These include anxiety , stress, or lack of sleep. However, the biggest influence is on the Immune System .

If what we eat introduces more toxins into the body than nutritional elements, it can cause health problems.

That’s why it’s important to know that these foods can weaken the Immune System , because if it goes into a state of imbalance, it may not be able to properly remove cells infected by bacteria and viruses. So, check out now  The 5 Foods That Can Debilitate the Immune System:

Foods that can weaken the immune system

Refined sugar

Sugar abuse is linked to weakening of the defenses that fight infectious diseases, causing the Immune System to lose 40% of its ability to reduce infectious pathogens.

The demineralized sugar to the organism causing a wear in the capacities of the Immune System .

To metabolize refined sugar, the body extracts minerals and vitamins from other tissues and organs. To fight viruses and bacteria, white blood cells need vitamin C to fight infectious agents, but excess sugar eats away at vitamin C in our body.


Excess salt in our body is linked to the growth of cells related to autoimmune diseases. In these cases, the Immune System acts on healthy tissues, damaging the body and forgetting to fight pathogens.

Refined Grains

Refined grains contain few nutrients and little fiber. These types of foods are usually highly processed from chemical additives and preservatives, which can significantly weaken the ability of white blood cells.

Dairy and Meat

A study shows that dairy products and red meat contain a molecule that humans do not naturally produce. Our cells absorb this compound, and eventually the body produces antibodies to fight it.

Soft drinks

This sugary drink can contain between 30 to 50 grams of sugar in a single can. You can imagine the damage this drink can do to your health. Sodas can damage the intestinal tract, which allows germs to enter.

Diet soda also harms the Immune System . The aspartame found in them can damage the body’s cells. So, to always have good health, avoid these foods that can weaken the immune system .

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