Eggplant water diet: does it work? how to do it, benefits and menu

The eggplant water diet , rich in fibers that stimulate the reduction of blood cholesterol can be an ally in the weight loss process.

Also, for those who want to lose a few pounds, every tip is welcome, isn’t it?! So it is not surprising that many people have been interested to hear about the benefits of eggplant water .

Diets today are very common to people who want to lose weight, whether for a simple aesthetic issue or even for health reasons.

In addition, the fact is that some diets can even have the desired effect in terms of aesthetics.

In addition, they are a real poison for health, as the person deprives himself too much of things that our body and organism needs, harming another area while fixing the outside.

But this is not the case with the eggplant water diet , in addition to losing weight, it helps to control cholesterol, reduce cellulite and reduce the belly .

Because it has a very high fiber content, eggplant contributes a lot to food satiety and also to meet our body’s need for soluble and insoluble fiber.

Here are some health benefits of eggplant.

Benefits of eggplant water diet

Healthy Metabolism:

Being rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 , eggplant is a great source of energy for your body.

In addition, they assist in healthy metabolism , so your body works properly.

Vitamin B1 (tianine), favors the proper functioning of the brain, energy, heart health and focus.

Prevent Cancer:

Antioxidants are important to prevent premature aging of cells .

With the low intake of this component along with the increase in free radicals, premature aging accelerates.

Low In Carbs:

One of the benefits of eggplant for weight loss is that it is low in carbohydrates .

In a serving of 99 grams, for example, eggplant has only 6 grams of carbohydrates and 35 calories.

Rich in Manganese:

Manganese is an essential mineral for your health.

In addition, eggplant contains 5% of the daily amount of manganese required .

Although it is present in your body, it is important to eat foods that contain manganese .

Eggplant water diet menu

The following menu contains 1200 calories. The amounts of eggplant water are only suggestions, you can increase the doses up to a maximum of 8 glasses of 200 ml per day.

If you feel the need, replace foods with their caloric equivalents.


  • drink a glass with 300ml of eggplant juice, 1 medium banana , chopped, half a papaya with 1 tablespoon of flaked oatmeal and 1 dessert spoon of honey.

Morning snack:

  • Half a papaya or 1 cup of plain low-fat yogurt with 1 dessert spoon full of granola.


  • 1 dessert plate of green leafy salad at will, 2 tablespoons of brown rice , 1 dessert plate of sauteed green beans and eggplant, 1 medium chicken or hake fillet seasoned with parsley, rosemary and chives and 1 slice of watermelon dessert.

Afternoon snack:

  • 1 cup of vegetable tea and 1 medium slice of wholemeal bread with 2 slices of white cheese .


  • 1 deep dish with vegetable soup ( carrots , potatoes, beets , eggplant and green beans), 1 glass of 200 ml of lemon or cashew juice with sweetener and 1 medium glass of diet gelatin of any flavor.


  • 1 medium slice of light bread with fiber, 1 light polenta and 1 glass of 200 ml of soy juice of any flavor.

Effects of Eggplant Water Diet ?

Most people adhere to eggplant water because they believe that it aids in the weight loss process and offers other benefits. But is this really true?

Leaving the eggplant in the water for a while (usually overnight) and then drinking this eggplant water is a strategy that can work very well, yes. “Mainly because the eggplant is rich in fibers that stimulate the reduction of blood cholesterol .

That is, it can make the body eliminate cholesterol , as it stimulates this action through its fibers. See the eggplant water recipe .


  • 1 medium or large eggplant;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 pitcher or bottle of water;
  • Sodium bicarbonate ;
  • Apple vinegar;

Preparation mode:

  • Clean the eggplant by washing it with baking soda and apple cider vinegar to clean all toxic impurities.
  • After applying the vinegar (it can be another type if you can’t find the apple one), rinse the eggplant well to remove the taste of what was used for cleaning;
  • Cut the eggplant into slices of about 1 cm and a half – do not remove the skin as it contains many important nutrients;
  • Add each slice to the jar or bottle. After placing them all, add 1 liter of water;
  • After following these steps, the eggplant water should be left to rest in the fridge overnight (it is recommended to make the water before going to bed).

You can add lemon to eggplant water , as in addition to having many important vitamins, it enhances the properties of eggplant water , making the results of its consumption greater.

If you want to include eggplant in your diet, you will love the recipes below.

Eggplant Kibbeh:


  • 1 cup (tea) of wheat;
  • 3 cup (tea) of water;
  • 2 large eggplants;
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice ;
  • 1 medium onion , chopped;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped mint ;
  • 1 tablespoon (dessert) chopped basil;
  • ½ teaspoon of light margarine;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon (dessert) of light margarine for greasing;

Preparation mode:

  • Also, soak the wheat in two cups of water for two hours. Then wash and squeeze.
  • Peel the eggplants and cut them into small pieces and heat until cooked, along with the rest of the water and the lemon;
  • Also, drain and let cool;
  • Then squeeze the eggplants, to remove all the excess water and chop them, with a knife, into smaller pieces;
  • Also, in a bowl, mix the eggplant, wheat, onion , mint , basil, margarine and salt. Knead with your hands;
  • Arrange this mass on a refractory form greased with margarine, without kneading;
  • Also, cover with aluminum foil;
  • Place in medium oven to bake for 25 minutes;
  • Also, remove the paper and bake for another 15 minutes;

Eggplant Antipasto:


  • 2 large eggplants, cut into strips;
  • Also, 1 yellow pepper cut into strips;
  • 2 red peppers , cut into strips;
  • In addition, 1 large onion ;
  • 3 tablespoons of white raisins;
  • In addition, 3 tablespoons Brazil nuts;
  • ½ cup of olive oil;
  • Also, ½ cup of red wine vinegar (optional);
  • Salt to taste;

Preparation mode:

  • Cut the peeled eggplants, the yellow and red peppers and the onion ;
  • Also, in a colander and salt the vegetables. Leave for 15 minutes;
  • Place in a pan: first a layer of eggplant, then a layer of yellow and red pepper and finally the onion ;
  • In addition, place the raisins and cracked chestnuts on top after a smear of olive oil;
  • Repeat the layers in the order above until the pan is full;
  • Also, cook over low heat until it turns a caramel color;
  • It can be served cold;
  • Also, if necessary, add water to avoid sticking;

Due to its slimming power, eggplant, when combined with a diet in the form of flour or consumption of a detox drink, can make you lose up to 3 kilos in two weeks.

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