Ecthyma – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments!

Ecthyma – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments that many are still unaware of.  In   addition, Ecthyma  is a medical condition where the skin becomes infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. People who are most at risk of developing this skin condition are those who are seriously ill or those whose immune systems are severely compromised. 

In many of these patients, this condition is a sign of a generalized infection in the body (with the same pathological agent). Ecthyma gangrenosum is mainly characterized by the appearance of skin lesions in the form of vesicles or pustules. These tend to be hemorrhagic and they quickly progress to necrotic ulcers.

What is Ecthyma: Ecthyma is a skin infection similar to impetigo. It is often called deep impetigo because it occurs deep within the skin.

Causes of Ecthyma: Ecthyma is most often caused by the Streptococcus bacteria. Staphylococcus bacteria sometimes causesthis skin infection . The infection can start in skin that has been injured from a scratch or insect bite. The infection usually develops in the legs.

Symptoms of Ecthyma: The main symptom of Ecthyma is a small blister with a red border that can be filled with pus. The blister is similar to that seen with impetigo, but the infection spreads much further into the skin . After the blister disappears, agross ulcer appears.

  • First lesions are macules and pustules
  • These lesions are painless and have a red surrounding border.
  • As the lesions progress, they form a hemorrhagic center (bula)
  • Lesions progress to necrotic ulcers
  • Transformation from initial lesion to necrotic ulcer can undergo in a matter of hours
  • Single or multiple lesions are present on the skin
  • Most affected areas: anal, genital and axillary
  • Any other part of the body can be affected, especially if there is a generalized infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Other areas that may be affected include:
  • gluteal region
  • perineal region
  • Extremities of upper or lower limbs
  • Trunk
  • Face – In rare cases – bilateral periorbital lesions
  • Lesions heal with scarring

Treatment of Ecthyma: Your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics that you need to take by mouth ( oral antibiotics ). First cases can be treated with antibiotics that you apply to the affected area (topical antibiotics ).

Serious infections may require antibiotics given through a vein ( intravenous antibiotics ). Placing a warm, wet cloth over the area may help to remove the ulcer crusts. Your doctor may recommend antiseptic soap or peroxide washes to speed recovery.

Prevention of Ecthyma: Gently cleanse the skin after an injury such as a bite or scratch. Do not drag or pick on scabs and sores.

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