Dystonia – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
The spasms and contractions can be sustained or they can come and go. The movements are often repetitive and cause unusual, awkward, and sometimes painful postures.
Tremor (agitation) can also be a feature of some types of Dystonia .
Dystonia is thought to be a neurological condition (caused by underlying problems with the brain and nervous system). However, in most cases, brain functions such as intelligence, memory and language remain unchanged. So, check out now Dystonia – What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments:Main Causes of Dystonia:
Dystonia with no obvious cause, or caused by a genetic mutation , is known as primary dystonia . If dystonia is a symptom of another condition, it is known as secondary dystonia. Primary dystonia .
Most people with primary dystonia do not have an identified cause. A minority of cases are associated with genetic mutations , which usually start in childhood.
Currently, there are more than 12 types (or subtypes) of Dystonia linked to genetic mutations , including Generalized Dystonia , Dopa-responsive Dystonia, and Paroxysmal Dystonia .
Symptoms of Dystonia:
Symptoms of Dystonia can vary, depending on the type of Dystonia and when it develops. In early-onset dystonia , symptoms begin during childhood or early adustez.
Symptoms usually start in the legs or arms, before spreading to other limbs and sometimes the upper body. Dystonia that starts as an adult (late onset) usually starts in the head, neck, or one of the arms and does not progress to affect other parts of the body.
Symptoms of Generalized Dystonia Can Include:
- muscle spasms :
- Having an abnormal and twisted posture:
- One foot, one leg or one arm turning inward:
- Body parts pushing quickly:
Treating Dystonia:
There are several treatment techniques that can control the involuntary movements and spasms of Dystonia , including medications, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery. The aim is to provide relief from dystonia ‘s abnormal movements and postures , in addition to any associated pain and discomfort.
In some cases, other conditions that arise as a result of Dystonia , such as stress, anxiety, or depression , can also be treated. Treatment for Dystonia should be based on the individual and their specific needs. As different people respond differently to different treatments, it may be necessary to try several options to find which one works best.
There are four main types of treatment for dystonia. They are:
- Botulinum toxin:
- medication:
- physiotherapy:
- Surgery, including deep brain stimulation (DBS):
Whenever possible, physical therapy, medication or botulinum medication will be used to treat Dystonia rather than surgery, particularly in the case of children and young people.