Collagen Helps Prevent Skin Sagging And Wrinkles

Collagen Helps Prevent Sagging And Wrinkles In The Skin . In addition,  sagging , wrinkles before time, capillary fragility and weakened nails can be resolved with this protein. Collagen consumption helps prevent sagging and wrinkles , capillary fragility and weakened nails. Known as a synonym for combating sagging , collagen is responsible for providing support to cells, keeping them together. It represents 1/4 of all protein in the human body and is naturally produced from birth.

However, from the age of 30 onwards, there is a gradual loss, resulting in the appearance of the dreaded wrinkles , a decrease in the elasticity and firmness of the skin (which becomes more flaccid and loses hydration), in addition to increasing bone joint fragility.

Great Ally For Health: There are many factors that accelerate skin wear:

  • excessive exposure to the sun;
  • cigarette;
  • pollution;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • hormonal changes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stress are among them.

So, there is not much secret to ensure the beauty and youth of the skin for longer. In addition, the ideal is to opt for a diet rich in lean proteins and omega-3 , to stimulate collagen production , in addition to consuming foods that contain vitamin C , vitamin E , copper , selenium , zinc and silicon. And, of course, adopt healthy habits. It is also possible to replace collagen with the intake of specific nutrients and assets that help preserve the skin.

Remembering that after the age of 30, it is necessary to consume a supplement to replace the ideal daily amount of collagen . In addition, including lean meats, chicken , fish , eggs, dark green vegetables, as well as seeds from the legume family, such as beans , chickpeas and lentils , is already a great start for the renewal of this substance.

Supplementation: In addition to including these foods in meals, it is still possible to adopt collagen powder or capsule supplementation. In addition, the capsules have a reduced amount of collagen . The powdered version is more concentrated and suitable for digestion. A person should ingest about 20 capsules to reach the daily recommendation, and in the powdered version, a dessert spoon is enough. The amount must not exceed 10g per day and the substance must be consumed under prescription. In addition, the main benefits ofhydrolyzed collagen include:

  • Improved skin support
  • Strengthening bones, joints, nails and hair
  • Increase in skin elasticity
  • Improve the appearance of cellulite
  • Weight loss because it promotes satiety

Hydrolyzed collagen capsules may be more practical for those who regularly eat out. Some examples are the products: Collagen Hydrolyzed by Sanavita and Herbarium that can be found in pharmacies, drugstores and natural products stores.

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