Coconut Oil to Eliminate Constipation
Coconut Oil For Constipation is the best natural remedy for constipation. Also, do you suffer from constipation that doesn’t get better even after eating dozens of bananas and drinking gallons of lukewarm water? There are some typical health problems that cannot be termed as a disease but cause considerable inconvenience and lead to complications. A prime example is constipation. Did you know that coconut oil can help cure constipation.
Constipation occurs as a matter of fact, any food you eat undergoes a process in your digestive tract and liver and is ultimately excreted. The human body has a natural process of excretion, but it is sometimes prolonged and interrupted, and this leads to constipation. Stool, when deposited in the large intestine for a long time, hardens. This makes it harder for the intestinal muscles to push it out through the rectum. Check the
Constipation can be caused by a number of factors:
- Poor eating habits (lack of fiber in the diet, and eating too much fast food)
- Lack of adequate water and fluid intake
- Intake of certain medications
- Lack of activity and sedentary lifestyle
- Eating dairy foods in large amounts
- Pregnancy
- Depression
- Sometimes a combination of these factors can also lead to an irregular bowel movement, both in children and adults.
Treatment Options for Constipation: There are plenty of options you can use to get rid of constipation. There are many medications and laxatives you can use. However, it is more prudent to resort to natural remedies. You can choose from selected natural treatments for constipation relief. This reduces the risk of side effects. In this regard, Coconut Oil for Constipation comes as a potent treatment solution.
Coconut Oil for Constipation: Coconut oil is among the best natural laxatives you can choose to get relief from constipation. Coconut oilis fibrous and helps in the metabolism of the human body. Adding coconut oil to your meals can help resolve irregular bowel movements. Coconut oil , in its purest form, contains medium-chain fatty acids, which play a key role in facilitating bowel movements.
These MCFAs increase the energy of intestinal cells, and this speeds up metabolism. It also helps to soften stools. Using coconut oil resolves cases of occasional and chronic constipation, as it turned out. You also need to consider the fact that eating the coconut meat and consuming the oil is also beneficial for your health. It helps in the digestion process and also makes your skin radiant. Coconut oil is quite affordable, and it is available year-round.
The Ideal Dosage: Initially, you can introduce a small amount of coconut oil to your meals every day to get relief from constipation. Ideally, you can add half a spoon of oil for lunch and dinner. This should be good for beginners. If the result is tolerable, you can add some more oil to your food gradually. People with cases of recurrent constipation can add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to food twice or thrice a day. However, do not add a lot of oil to the food. Here are the ways to add Coconut Oil to Eliminate Constipation to foods:
- You can add coconut oil to homemade smoothies. It can also be added to a variety of fruit juices.
- You can sprinkle some coconut oil on top of salads for breakfast.
- This oil can also be added to hot soups, stews and curries before eating.
- You can use coconut oil in place of butter or margarine when making bakery products at home. You can add it to the dough when making various types of bread or cakes.
- Using Coconut in Other Ways to Relieve Constipation
You can use other parts of a coconut in addition to its oil for relief, Coconut Oil For Constipation .
Coconut Meat To Eliminate Constipation: Coconut meatis delicious. It can be eaten raw or prepared in various dishes. It is a good source of natural fiber as well. If your diet lacks fiber and you are having irregular bowel movements, eating coconut meat is a solution. The flesh can be soft or semi-hard based on the age of the fruit. The fiber present in coconut meat absorbs water and helps make the stool softer, making it easier to pass through the intestines and minimizing the chances of constipation.
Coconut Milk to Stop Constipation: Extracted from the flesh of the coconut , coconut milk is utterly delicious. Mainly used for culinary purposes, it can also be used to solve constipation problems. It also contains fiber that can help alleviate problems with bowel movement.
Coconut Water To Eliminate Constipation: Coconut watercan help relieve constipation. It also offers several other health benefits. However, drinking too much coconut water can lead to diarrhea. So keep that in mind.
There are a few things to keep in mind when using coconut oil to treat bowel movement problems.
Healthy Diet and Lifestyle: Although coconut oil and other parts of the fruit can help you overcome constipation problems, you need to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle as well. You can keep constipation at bay by reducing your intake of low fiber foods. You can increase the laxative impact of coconut oil by eating other fiber-based foods. Exercising regularly and drinking lots of water can also help you in this regard.
Virgin Coconut Oil: You can find coconut oil in various forms on the market today. Using any kind of coconut oil may not bring you the desired result in dealing with intestinal circulation problems. For example, refined and scented variants are not ideal for use in this context. Refined coconut oil contains little to no fiber.
Avoid Overdose: You need to remember that each person has different nutritional needs and the constitution is never the same. This is why the dosage of coconut oil per day is not the same for two people, most of the time. Overdose can lead to diarrhea-like symptoms.
Precautions to be taken for children: Children can generally digest coconut oil when given in food. However, it is wise to seek medical advice before using coconut oil to treat recurrent or recurrent constipation. The same thing can be used for babies.