Coconut Oil for the Skin

Coconut oil is famous all over the world, not only as a hair tonic or edible ability, but also as an excellent massage oil and skin softener. In tropical parts of the world where coconuts are readily available and used in many ways, natives commonly spread coconut oil on their skin as they believe it protects against the sun’s harmful rays. So this natural oil, without any chemicals or additives, can protect the skin in some of the hottest and sunniest places on earth better than our processed and artificial sun creams?

The question is, what makes coconut oil so beneficial for the skin? Before we can understand how coconut oil achieves all of its impressive benefits that people around the world claim, let’s look at the components of coconut oil and their respective properties that can make them useful for maintaining skin health. .

Coconut Oil is Rich in Saturated Fats: Predominantly, these saturated fats are medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides. When applied to the skin, they keep it smooth to the touch. Due to the presence of these fats, coconut oil also maintains the skin’s moisture content, as do fats that eliminate moisture loss through the pores on the skin. When ingested through regular consumption of coconut oil , these deposit fats under the skin to give it an even tone and reduce the appearance of pores.

Coconut Oil is Rich in Capric/Caprylic/Lauric Acid: These aren’t much different from medium chain fatty acids, but it’s still important to mention them separately here as they have their own contributions. These three fatty acids have strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. As a result, when applied to the skin, coconut oil protects against microbial infections that can enter open wounds or even enter the body through pores.

In addition, capric, caprylic, and lauric acids are easily broken down into fatty acid chains, which means that they contribute to usable energy quickly and efficiently. This can be a huge boost to your energy levels before a workout, which is why these powerful acids have also been linked to weight loss and weight management. Losing weight is a good way to improve the quality of your skin by reducing excess fat, stretch marks and skin folds, which can be unattractive. Having a toned and healthy body means that the skin maintains its tight grip around the muscles and bones.

Coconut Oil is Rich in Vitamin E: The contributions of Vitamin E to skin care are well known. It is essential for healthy growth, repairing wear and tear, keeps it smooth and protects against cracking . Above all, it prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin as it has good antioxidant properties. 100 grams of Coconut Oil has about 0.1 mg of Vitamin E , thus improving the skin’s nourishing properties.

Coconut Oil is used in Anti-Aging Cream: Traditionally, Coconut Oil has been praised and popularized for its anti-aging properties.

Coconut Oil is Rich in Protein: Like coconuts, coconut oil is rich in many proteins. These proteins keep the skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally. Proteins also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair, along with a vast array of other essential activities within the body. For all damaged cells, a healthy flow of protein ensures that they are replaced at a normal rate, whereas people with high protein deficient diets heal more slowly and often develop more obvious scars due to the prolonged healing time.

The best property of coconut oil that makes it so beneficial for the skin is that it does not go rancid. When you apply it on the skin, it can work for a long time, unlike many other oils. Due to these various beneficial properties of coconut oil, it is used as an important ingredient in various skin care creams.

Uses of Coconut Oil for Skin Care:  Coconut oil can be used to care for the skin in the following ways:

Gel: Cracks on our lips can be a source of worry, discomfort and embarrassment. When applying chemical gels to the lips, it is possible to consume these gels accidentally, even if they are not very toxic. Some gels may be edible, but you still don’t want to eat those chemicals.

Coconut oil comes as an ideal alternative in such cases. It acts quickly and even goes into your stomach, giving added benefits, so everyone wins!

Skin Softening: Most of us use various creams and lotions to smooth our skin, especially the skin on the face and hands. Coconut oil is a great skin emollient and helps to get rid of dry and hard skin conditions. Just take some coconut oil , rub your palms together once or twice and then on your face, hands, or wherever you want to see the moisturizing effect.

Coconut oil is also good for hardened and cracked feet, which can happen due to excessive cold or strenuous work while standing on your feet. Cracks on your feet will not go away, but your feet will become smoother within days if you apply coconut oil to the affected area.

Including coconut oil as an exfoliant can greatly improve the effects. You will successfully shave off excess dead skin and clean out whatever substances have blocked your pores without leaving your skin feeling irritated.

Makeup Remover: Coconut oil can also be used as a makeup remover. This is not common, but women have started using it to remove makeup from their face and eyes, without worrying about the chemicals from other removers getting into delicate or sensitive areas.

Skin Disorders: Coconut oil is claimed to be good for various skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Several readers have reported this benefit. However, scientific research is ongoing in order to prove or disprove these claims. Much of the research that is there speaks to its protein content, as the replacement of diseased or dying cells that can occur with various skin disorders, are quickly replaced by new, healthy cells. In this way, coconut oil not only treats the infection by fighting the microbial organisms, but also heals the damage or visible marks of skin disease; it’s a two-in-one solution!

How to use coconut oil:  For many who have never used coconut oil , its many applications can be confusing. You should try to buy coconut oil in a bottle that has a wide opening. In colder climates, coconut oil can be solid like a cream. However, in hot temperatures, it comes as a liquid. For skin care use, take some Coconut Oil , solid or liquid, in your palm. Then rub your palms together and apply desired area of ​​skin to desired area.

You can also put coconut oil on a piece of cotton and rub the cotton over the skin. However, it is not necessary to reapply Coconut Oil as often as other natural skin care oils. You only need a small amount to create a protective shield over your skin that will last for a long time.

Many people make the mistake of using too much coconut oil . Since the skin can only absorb a certain amount, the protective layer that the absorbed oil creates doesn’t leave any more oil! This means that if you use it too often, your skin will end up as an oily mess, and it will look shiny or oily, not to mention it can do to your clothes!

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