Chicken Soup Diet: Does it work? menu, benefits and how to make

When your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible, eating a limited chicken soup diet may seem like an effective solution.

The Chicken Soup Diet , which is also known as the Sacred Heart Diet, may seem respectable because it is supposedly supported by a world-renowned hospital.

However, the diet is not associated with or recommended by any doctor or hospital.

The actual origins of the Chicken Soup Diet are unknown, although it circulates on the Internet as a diet created by the Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington.

What is the Chicken Soup Diet?

The Chicken Soup Diet involves drinking a homemade soup for every meal of the day. Dieters can drink as much of the soup as desired.

The soup is a combination of green onions, cooked tomatoes, lean beef broth, chicken powder noodle soup mix, green beans, bell peppers, carrots and celery .

The diet lasts for seven days. In addition to soup, dieters are instructed to eat other low-calorie foods every day.

On the first day, for example, dieters eat fruit, and on the second day, dieters eat vegetables.

Usually, when we do the Chicken Soup Diet , we also add herbs or vegetables to the soup and let the soup simmer slowly.

The process allows these ingredients to release any stored nutrients, making the soup a nutrient-packed liquid.

Chicken Soup Diet or any other bone broth diets are a good way to get collagen for the body.

Collagen is needed to create healthy tissue around the body .

In fact, collagen is found within the lining of the digestive tract, bone marrow, skin, joints, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.


Some of the main benefits of the Chicken Soup Diet are detoxification of the digestive system, glowing skin, improved digestive system (especially if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, IBS or leaky gut), stronger immune system and improved sleep, memory. and cognition.


1 Day:

Breakfast: 1 1/2 cups whole grain cereal, cooked with skim milk (1/2 cup);
Lunch: chicken soup;
Dinner: chicken soup.

2 Days:

Breakfast: Sprinkle some wheat germ on 1 cup of low- fat vanilla yogurt . Enjoy with 1/2 cup of fruit salad; Lunch: chicken soup; Dinner: chicken soup.

3 Days:

Breakfast: slice in half 1 small bagel that is whole wheat . Place a total of 1 serving of fat-free cheddar cheese on top of both halves and toast in the oven. Enjoy with 1/2 cup of prune juice ;
Lunch: chicken soup;
Dinner: chicken soup.

4 Days:

Breakfast: Toast 2 slices of bread that is whole grain. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of sugar with 1 cup of ricotta cheese and sprinkle some cinnamon . You can spread the cheese mixture on your toasts. You can also eat 3 dried figs;
Lunch: chicken soup ;
Dinner: chicken soup .

5 Days:

Breakfast: Pour 1/2 cup of skim milk into a bowl with 1 1/2 cups of whole grain cereal. Enjoy 1/2 cup of calcium-fortified orange juice afterwards;
Lunch: chicken soup;
Dinner: chicken soup .

6 Days:

Breakfast: Choose one of your favorite breakfasts from above and have it as breakfast for this day;
Lunch: chicken soup ;
Dinner: chicken soup .

7 Days:

Breakfast: Choose one of your favorite breakfasts from above and have it as breakfast for this day;
Lunch:  chicken soup ;
Dinner: chicken soup .


The Chicken Soup Diet may help you lose weight, but it does not provide sustainable or healthy weight loss.

When you start eating only very low-calorie foods, your body can lose water weight, giving the appearance of weight loss.

But when you stop the diet and go back to your regular eating habits, you will gain all the weight back on.

Because dieting involves eating certain foods over and over again, it doesn’t provide enough variation to be a healthy way to lose weight.

Healthier weight loss options

Instead of just eating chicken soup for a week, eat a variety of lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat and opt for healthy fats like those in olive oil and nuts instead.

Eat slightly smaller portions than you would normally use, and eat healthy snacks like carrots and celery , to stay full and satisfied between meals.

Combine your new eating routine with a daily exercise plan that will help you burn calories and keep your weight off for good.


Anyone considering starting a new diet should consult a doctor or other medical professional.

Calorie , fat and nutrient requirements may differ from person to person depending on sex, age, weight and other factors such as the presence of diseases or conditions.

The Chicken Soup Diet doesn’t allow for many different foods, and while soup may be healthy, it’s unlikely to be able to provide the vitamins and minerals needed by healthy adults every day.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should be especially cautious if starting a very restricted diet like this one, because deficiencies in vitamins and other nutrients can negatively affect the baby who is getting his nutrients from his mother.

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