Burns – Causes, Types and Treatments

Burns – Causes, Types and Treatments. Furthermore, burns are one of the most common home injuries, especially among children. The term “burn” means more than the burning sensation associated with this injury. Burns are characterized by severe skin damage that causes the affected skin cells to die.

Most people can recover from burns without serious health consequences, depending on the cause and degree of injury. The most serious burns require emergency medical care to avoid complications and death.

Burn Levels: There are three main types of burns : first, second and third degree. Each grade is based on the severity of the skin injury . Damages include:

  • First degree burns: red skin
  • Second-degree burns: blisters and some skin thickening
  • Third-degree burns: Generalized thickness with a white, leathery appearance

There are also fourth degree burns . This type of burn includes all the symptoms of a third-degree burn and also extends beyond the skin to tendons and bones.

Burns have a variety of causes, including:

  • Scalding hot and boiling liquids
  • chemical burns
  • electrical burns
  • Fires, including flames from matches, candles and lighters
  • Excessive sun exposure

The type of burn is not based on the cause of the burn. Scalding, for example, can cause all three burns , depending on how hot the liquid is and how long it stays in contact with the skin .

Chemical and electrical burns warrant immediate medical attention as they can affect the inside of the body, even if the skin damage is minor.

First-degree burn : First -cause minimal damage to the skin . They are also called “superficial burns” because they affect the outermost layer of the skin . Signs of a first-degree burn include:

  •  Redness
  •  Minor inflammation, or swelling
  •  Pain
  • Dry skin  peeling , occurs with healing of burns

Since this burn affects the top layer of the skin , the signs and symptoms disappear once the skin cells regenerate. First degree burns usually heal within 7 to 10 days without scarring.

You should still see your doctor if the burn affects a large area of ​​skin , more than three inches, and if it’s on your face or a large joint, which include:

  • Knee
  • Ankle
  • Foot
  • Pimple
  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Forearm

Treatments for a first-degree burn: First-degree burns are usually treated with care at home. Healing time may be faster the sooner you treat the burn.

Treatments for a first-degree burn include:

  • Soak the wound in cold water for five minutes or more
  • Taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief
  • Applying lidocaine (an anesthetic) with aloe vera gel or cream to soothe the skin
  • Use an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze to protect the affected area

Make sure you don’t use ice as this can make the injury worse. Never apply cotton balls to a burn as the tiny fibers can stick to the wound and increase the risk of infection. Also, avoid home remedies such as butter and eggs as these have not been proven to be effective.

2nd degree burns : 2nd degree burns  aremore serious because the damage extends beyond the top layer of skin . This type of burn causes the skin to become extremely red and painful. Due to the delicate nature of these wounds, keeping the area clean and properly bandaged is necessary to prevent infection.

This also helps the burn heal faster. Some second-degree burns take longer than three weeks to heal, but most heal within two to three weeks without scarring, but often with pigmentary changes in the skin.

The worse the blisters are, the longer the burn will take to heal. In some severe cases, skin grafting is needed to repair the damage. Skin grafting takes healthy skin from another area of ​​the body and moves it to the site of the burned skin.

As with first-degree burns , avoid cotton balls and questionable home remedies.

Treatments for a second-degree  burn: Second-degree burns that are mild usually include:

  • Soak the skin in cold water for 15 minutes or more
  • Taking pain medication (acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
  • apply antibiotic cream

However, seek emergency medical treatment if the burn affects an enlarged area,

Like any of the following:

  • Face
  • Hands
  • Buttocks
  • Groin
  • Feet

Third degree burn: Excluding fourth degree burns, third degree burns are the most serious. They do the most damage, extending through each layer of skin . There is a misconception that third degree burns are the most painful.

However, with this type of burn the damage is so extensive that there may not be any pain because of nerve damage. There is no set timetable for complete spontaneous healing of third-degree burns . Never attempt to self-treat a third-degree burn. Call 911 immediately.

Complications: Compared to first and second degree burns, third degree burns carry the highest risk of complications such as infections, blood loss and shock, which is often what can lead to death. At the same time, all burns carry the risk of infections, because bacteria can enter through thedamaged skin .

Prevent all degrees of burns: The obvious best way to fight burns is to prevent them from happening. Certain jobs put you at a greater risk of burns, but the fact is, most burns happen at home. Infants and young children are the most vulnerable to burns. Preventive measures you can take at home include:

  • Keep children out of the kitchen while cooking.
  • Place a fire extinguisher in or near the kitchen.
  • Test smoke detectors once a month.
  • Replace smoke detectors every 10 years.
  • Keep the water heater temperature at 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Measure the temperature of the bath water before use.
  • Lock matches and lighters.
  • Install the electrical outlet covers.
  • Check and dispose of electrical cables with exposed wires.
  • Keep chemicals out of reach, and wear gloves when using chemicals.
  • Use sunscreen every day, and avoid peak sunlight.

It is also important to have a fire escape plan and to practice it with your family once a month. In case of fire, be sure to crawl underneath smoke.

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