The 10 best vitamins for hair growth!
The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth are varied. Well, these vitamins have a lot of nutrients that are essential for hair health. Also, hair usually grows 1 centimeter per month, but there are some foods and vitamins that can make hair grow faster. By following these tips, your hair should grow faster.
However, there are cases where the hair does not grow due to diseases or the accumulation of toxins in the body, so if you do not notice any change in 3 months, a consultation with a dermatologist is advised.
One way to ensure that you will have beautiful hair is to receive an adequate amount of vitamins that promote hair growth. One way to ensure that you will have beautiful hair is to receive an amount of vitamins that promote hair growth. So, now check out the 10 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth:
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Vitamin A: One of the most important vitamins for hair is vitamin A. However, care needs to be taken with this vitamin. While the recommended amount of vitamin A in the diet will promote healthy hair growth, too much of it can have adverse effects on hair. Vitamin A is vital for cell growth, deficiencies of which will result in dry hair and hair loss .
Benefits of Vitamin A for Hair : Vitamin A has antioxidants that work to hydrate the sebum in the scalp. Fights free radicals that weigh on hair and make it weaker. As a result, hair will have better volume. And it will thicken curls so they grow faster and don’t break.
Natural Vitamin A Supplements: The best way to include it in your diet is to eat foods rich in this vitamin, such as cantaloupe, dark leafy green vegetables, fish, cream, eggs, liver, poultry and red meat. Carrots are also a great source of vitamin A.
Vitamin B: Vitamin B is one of the best vitamins for hair growth. Well, it is available in the market with different combination complexes, including vitamins B6, B12 and biotin. Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. Vitamin B reduces stress and promotes hair growth. Biotin and vitamin B12 are among the important B vitamins that are needed for healthy hair growth.
Benefits of Vitamin B for Hair: Vitamin B helps to reduce the graying process of hair and increases hair growth. Proper consumption of this supplement will give you beautiful hair that glows with health.
Natural Vitamin B Supplements: Sources of vitamin B can be found in green leafy vegetables, soybeans, oats, bananas, avocados, citrus fruit, cauliflower, cabbage, legumes, dried fruits and meat.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is considered one of the Best Vitamins for Hair Growth. Because vitamin C prevents hair loss because it acts as an antioxidant. Low vitamin C intake can be a root cause for hair loss and other hair related problems. Vitamin C deficiency canresult in dry hair and split ends. This condition is not favorable for regular hair growth.
Benefits of Vitamin C for Hair: People who take a moderate amount of vitamin C have healthy, strong and thick hair. Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause hair damage. Vitamin C also promotes collagen biosynthesis which provides structure to the hair.
Natural Vitamin C Supplements: Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges are a good source of vitamin C. It is ideal to consume fresh fruit juices belonging to the citrus family to combat hair loss.
Vitamin D: Here is one of the Best Vitamins for Hair Growth , Vitamin D. Itis a vitamin that helps in the production of hormones. Hormonal imbalance can be a big problem for hair loss. Adding enough vitamin D to the diet helps in hair growth. The recommended dose of vitamin D was 400 IU per day.
Benefits of Vitamin D for Hair: Vitamin D improves the functioning of the immune system, and its antimicrobial properties address scalp problems such as psoriasis, which leads to irritation and hair loss .
Natural Vitamin D Supplements: The sun’s early rays contain vitamin D, so take advantage of as much of the early rays as possible. Additional intake of vitamin D from foods such as salmon, tuna, fortified milk, orange juice, egg yolks, and liver helps prevent deficiency.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a vitamin renowned for its skin-smoothing abilities; and provides essential nutrition for healthy hair and scalp and is a good source of antioxidants. Vitamin E works on the scalp, making it healthy. It will be noticed that curls will be smoother and more nourished. A lack of this vitamin can let free radicals cause damage to the hair, leading to hair loss.
Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair: Antioxidants fight harmful free radicals, while the anti-inflammatory properties of Vitamin E soothe the scalp, keeping it healthy.
Natural Vitamin E Supplements: Foods that contain vitamin E include dried nuts like almonds and walnuts and green leafy vegetables.
Folic Acid: Folic acid, or vitamin B9, plays an important role in hair growth. And it renews the cells that contribute to hair growth. Folic acid deficiency can lead to gray hairs at an early age and also hair loss.
Benefits of Folic Acid for Hair: Folic acid maximizes the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, ensuring healthy hair growth.
Natural Folic Acid Supplements: Folic acid can be obtained from foods such as dairy products, bananas, green leafy vegetables, beans, tomatoes, fish, meat, eggs, legumes, yeast, cereals and mushrooms.
GLA: Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid that is found primarily in vegetable oils. It is an essential fatty acid, which means the body needs it to function efficiently.
Benefits of GLA for Hair: Gamma-linolenic acid is effective as an anti-inflammatory agent that also nourishes the scalp and hair, ensuring healthy hair growth.
Natural GLA Supplements: Supplement your diet with essential GLA by taking it in oil form, such as evening primrose oil, or taking it as a capsule. A good dosage of 500 mg of black chain oil or evening primrose oil twice a day is prescribed for hair loss.
Lysine: Lysine is an essential amino acid and one of the building blocks of protein. Hair is made of protein, adding lysine to the diet helps control hair loss and helps hair grow.
Lysine Benefits for Hair: Lysine stimulates collagen production, which gives hair structure and repairs damage. And it also has antiviral properties that help in maintaining scalp and hair health.
Natural Lysine Supplements: The suggested dose is 500 mg per day. Lysine is found in good amounts in meat and eggs.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids, such as omega 6 fatty acids, are considered essential. Not getting enough of these essential fatty acids can inhibit hair growth.
Benefits of Mega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 acids nourish hair and have been shown to increase hair growth again.
Natural Supplements: Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy form of oil found in fish, especially salmon and sardines. However, it is also found in walnuts, flaxseeds and eggs. The recommended dosage of omega 3 fatty acids is one tablespoon of fish oil a day to prevent hair loss and it is possible to eat some walnuts in the morning before breakfast for better absorption of the fatty acids.
Zinc: Zinc has played an important role in maintaining hormonal balance and good absorption of other vitamins . For hair growth, all these processes are important. To prevent hair loss and hair loss, a good amount of zinc is needed.
Benefits of Zinc for Hair: Zinc promotes cell reproduction as well as tissue regrowth and repair.
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Natural Zinc Supplements: Possible to consume adequate zinc with foods like fish, beans, grains, chicken, mushroom or alternate with 15mg zinc tablets for adults for about 10 days a month.