5 best teas to fight bloating!
These are the best teas to fight bloating and are ideal for those who want to get rid of bloating as it can be a challenge, especially when it’s summer, but some herbs can help.
Anti-inflammatory teas are excellent for reducing water retention . They help with many different factors when it comes to water retention and bloating, making them extremely beneficial.
In addition, among the main causes are sedentary lifestyle and excessive sodium consumption. This combination unbalances the body and alters the work of cells that cannot absorb nutrients.
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However, as a result, fluid that should be discarded by the lymphatic system accumulates and causes swelling. Check out some of the main teas that contribute to the relief of symptoms and reduction of swelling areas.
Tea recipes to fight bloating:
1. Parsley Tea:
Parsley tea helps fight heart problems and diuretics as well. In addition, it can help relieve pressure from the body and eliminate fluids that are compromising the body’s functioning.
2. Red tea:
This tea, in addition to being able to accelerate metabolism and help with weight loss , can also help with fluid retention problems. Especially if the cause is bloating problems caused by menstruation like genetic bloating. It should be taken two to three times a day at most and is a diuretic.
3. Ginger with Cinnamon:
Ginger , as a natural thermogenic, is excellent for accelerating the body’s functions, in addition to being a diuretic . When combined with cinnamon, it is not only tastier, but even stronger to combat fluid retention. This tea should not be consumed during pregnancy because it can cause uterine contraction and ends up being dangerous for the baby.
4. Hibiscus:
This flower is so much more than just looking pretty. Hibiscus is one of the best teas to fight bloating as it had significant diuretic effects found in a recent study. Previous research had also observed that hibiscus helped increase kidney filtration.
In addition, hibiscus also has a laxative action and can help in addition to the fluid issue with intestinal functioning. If the swelling is in the abdominal region, the contribution may be greater.
5. Green and black tea:
Every time you have a hot cup of tea, you may be flushing excess fluid from your system. If this is the natural property of the tea you are ingesting, the effect will be even greater.
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This is the case with green and black teas. Both show high potential as natural diuretics. Thus, they help to balance the body’s dysfunctions and eliminate the accumulated fluid so that the swelling disappears.