The 10 Best Foods That Control Cholesterol

The Best Foods That Control High Cholesterol. In addition, Cholesterol is a type of fat found in our body that is important for its normal functioning. Cholesterol is the structural component of cell membranes in our body and is present in the heart, brain, liver, intestines, muscles, nerves and skin.

Our body uses Cholesterol to produce certain hormones such as Vitamin D, Testosterone, Estrogen, Cortisol and Bile Acids which help in the digestion of fats. Approximately 70% of cholesterol is produced by our own body, in the liver, while the other 30% comes from the diet.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that the combination of a good diet and the practice of physical activities is the secret not only to lose weight, but also to keep the body healthy and prevent it from developing numerous diseases. able to control our cholesterol levels and reduce those that are bad for our health. There are two main types of cholesterol : good (HDL) and bad (LDL), and certain foods manage to keep the two in balance, reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and several other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, for example. .

“Food control already significantly influences a reduction in the cholesterol profile . So, try to reduce fat-rich foods such as sausages, ready-to-eat meals (frozen), industrialized, stuffed cookies and hydrogenated fat”. After reducing your intake of frozen foods, for example, it is important to insert other types of food into your food routine. So, check out now The 10 Best Foods That Control Cholesterol:

Soy and Derivatives:  If you haven’t heard of it, it is one of the Best Cholesterol Control Foods . Because, if consumed without excess, soy is an ally in the fight against the problem, since it increases the levels of HDL, the good Cholesterol . This also applies to its derivatives, such as milk.

Nuts and Nuts:  Nuts and Nuts are one of the top Cholesterol  Control Foods. Well, nuts and chestnuts fight the harmful effects of fat with fat may seem strange, but that’s what they do to control Cholesterol . Oilseeds, such as walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds, are rich in polyunsaturated fat, considered good for the body. If consumed in excess, they can be harmful, so the ideal is to moderate the intake to absorb their benefits in full.

Acai:  In addition to being an ally against cancer, acai also balances our cholesterol levels . As a source of essential fatty acids, such as omega-9 and betasitosterol, it reduces bad cholesterol  (LDL). It is also rich in polyphenols that act directly on blood vessels, detonating free radicals responsible for skin aging. But don’t abuse and put condensed milk and powdered milk in the mix!

Fish:  Cold water fish such as salmon, tuna and trout are a source of omega 3 fatty acid, a type of unsaturated fat that is good for our health. It helps to reduce the levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of clot formation and, by making the blood more fluid, is an important ally in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Eneida Ramos, nutritionist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, suggests preparing the fish on the grill or in the oven.

Green Tea: Green  tea is an excellent substitute for coffee primarily because of its role in lowering cholesterol . As it contains flavonoids that function as antioxidants, its intake helps in preventing tissue inflammation and also prevents the formation of clots, one of the main causes of heart attacks. Green Tea is not just Foods that Control Cholesterol , the drink is also rich in polyphenols, such as catechins”.

Oats:  Fibers are very important for our food and digestion control. Oats, for example, in addition to insoluble fiber, also contain a soluble fiber known as beta-glucan: it delays gastric emptying and, therefore, promotes the feeling of satiety, improves our circulation, controls the blood sugar level and inhibits absorption of fat ( cholesterol ). You can include it in several recipes, put it in pancake or bread dough, mix it with other cereals, eat it with milk or with banana, there are several alternatives and adaptations!

Dark Chocolate: Dark  Chocolate is a good choice of Anti-Inflammatory Foods. For, with 30g of dark chocolate a day reduces cholesterol and also the risk of vascular diseases. This is because it is rich in flavonoids, substances that lower LDL. But to absorb the benefits you can’t eat a whole bar at once, nor choose milk chocolate or white chocolate, okay?

Alcachofra: Alcachofra é um dos melhores Alimentos que Controlam o Colesterol. Além disso, há quem ame e quem deteste o sabor da Alcachofra, mas os nutricionistas parecem estar de acordo quanto aos benefícios proporcionados pela flor: como suas fibras são resistentes à ação de enzimas, elas promovem a diminuição dos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides sanguíneos e reduzem o risco de obesidade e diabetes, além de causar a sensação de saciedade. Uma porção de 100g, por exemplo, tem apenas 50 calorias.

Orange:  Orange is one of the top Cholesterol  Control Foods. Well, a study carried out by the University of Viçosa, in Minas Gerais, found that flavonoids, antioxidant substances present in oranges, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body because they limit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. In addition, the fruit is also a source of potassium, and the low intake of this mineral can cause heart diseases such as arrhythmia.

Wine:  Wine is a good choice for Cholesterol Control Foods. Moderate intake of one or two glasses a day causes an elevation of approximately 12% in HDL ( good cholesterol ) levels – something very similar to what happens when we exercise. Flavonoids, antioxidant substances also found in oranges, also promote vasodilating and anticoagulant actions on platelets.

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