The 10 Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss

The Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss  are diverse, as obesity is something that millions of people around the world worry about every day. Plus, there are plenty of  weight loss tips and tricks  all over the internet, so it can be difficult to know which solutions are  healthy , effective, or even safe. Many people look to the easy way out, adopting crash diets,  unhealthy diets  or even eating disorders. However, if you are serious about  losing weight , there is a way to do it that is not only good for the body, but also good for the mind, soul, and spirit. Yoga  for  weight lossIt is an increasingly popular method used by many people around the world.

There are a number of Yoga poses (also known as ‘asanas’) that are specifically designed to affect the body’s metabolism , blood flow and general functioning to lead to weight loss . One of the best parts about using Yoga for weight loss is that it is an aerobic exercise, like running, biking, or swimming. Therefore, Yoga helps with weight loss as a basic exercise, but more importantly, Yoga sessions leave professionals at peace, with a clear mind, regulated breathing and a healthy metabolism .balanced. As a real exercise it is very valuable, but there are specific poses that are ideal for weight loss . So, check out now,  The 10 Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss. 

Ardha Chandraasana:  This pose is especially good for toning the stomach and wrists. It is also very good for your buttocks, thighs and waist. Since these are some of the biggest areas of concern for people who are above, this particular pose is very important to add to your Yoga routine . It can be performed standing with your feet together and raising your hands above your head, pointing towards the sky. Slowly lean from side to side with your hands raised as you exhale. You will feel the stretching sensation in your thighs all the way to your fingertips. Repeat this pose on both sides of your body. It could definitely help you lose weight  and tighten loose areas.

Utkatasana:  This pose is also called the posing chair and requires a great deal of concentration, focus and core strength. As you become stronger and more balanced, you will be able to hold the pose longer. It’s particularly good for toning your core, flattening your belly, losing excess fat from your thighs, and toning your glutes. You can achieve this pose by raising your hands above your head, then bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Also, lean your torso forward and maintain that balance for as long as possible. You’ll see the inches and muscles melt in all the right places.

Vrksasana:  This asana is also known as the tree pose and is one of the best for the abdominal muscles as well as the thighs and arms. Perform this pose on one leg and lift the other foot against your standing thigh. Extend your arms up and bring your hands together. This can be very difficult for those struggling with balance. At first, don’t try to bring your heel all the way. Focus on mastering your breathing and balance. As you become more capable, you can increase the height of the foot and consequently the difficulty/effectiveness of the pose.

Surya Namaskar:  This may be themost important Yoga process for weight loss , as it is actually a succession of different asanas, which involves a steady progression of stretching back and forth, helping to regulate breathing, change parasympathetic nervous system sympathizers and stimulate circulation in the body. Also, by combining a series of asanas, you can really get a full body workout, making this one of the best techniques. A good Surya Namaskar should be practiced carefully and perhaps under the attentive guidance of a Yoga instructor .

Tadásana: Also called Samasthiti, Mountain Pose, Tada means mountain. Sama means erect, immobile. Effects: We don’t normally observe the way we stand. Some put more weight  on the heels , others on the toes or the edges of the feet. You can see this through the soles and heels of shoes. It is advisable to place the big toe, big toe, in line with the heel and keep this line parallel to our plane. In this way we acquire a lighter body and the mind acquires agility. If we onlysupport our weight on our heelsWe will feel that our center of gravity shifts, the glutes become flaccid, the abdomen bulge and the body leans more backwards, leaving the mind numb.

Chaturanga Dandasana: Strengthens the arms, and the wrists develop mobility and strength. Contracts and tones the abdominal organs.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: The pose rejuvenates the spine and is especially recommended for people suffering from stiff backs. The movement is good for those with lumbago, sciatica and spinal disc problems. Strengthens the spine and cures back pain. Due to chest dilation, the lungs gain elasticity. Blood circulates properly through the pelvic region, keeping it healthy.

Adho Mukha Svanasana: A longer stay in this pose removes fatigue and brings back lost energy. Especially good for runners who are exhausted after a hard run. Runners will develop speed and lightness in their legs. Relieves heel pain and stiffness . Strengthens the ankles and shapes the legs. This pose helps eliminate stiffness in the shoulder blades and arthritis in the shoulders. The abdominal muscles are pulled to the back and strengthened. With the diaphragm raised, the pulse is slowed down. It provides great relief. It rejuvenates brain cells and invigorates it, relieving fatigue. People suffering from high blood pressure can practice this pose.

Padangushthásana and Padahastásana: The second pose is more difficult than the first, but the benefits are the same. Reduces the accumulation of fat from the waist and abdomen, relieves constipation, eliminates flatulence, cleanses the rectum and anus, relieves hemorrhoids. If you have a dislocated disc, this pose should be done with your spine in a concave position with your back.

Virabhadrásana A: Once Daksha performed a sacrifice but did not invite Sati, his daughter, nor Shiva, her husband and chief of the gods. Sati, however, went to the sacrifice, but was humiliated and insulted, so she threw herself into the fire and died. When Shiva learned of the fact, he felt betrayed and pulled out a strand of his hair and threw it to the ground. A mighty hero named Virabhadra appeared, who took his orders. This posture is dedicated to the mighty hero created by Shiva with his hair.

Note: Although there are dozens of asanas that can affect the body, these are some of the most effective. However, if you want to use Yoga as a consistent weight loss management technique, the best thing to do is learn from a proper Yoga instructor before trying to master the poses and processes in your own home. There are Yoga studiosin almost every major city across the world, particularly in India which is the birthplace of Yoga . Weight loss doesn’t have to be about crash dieting and mindless exercise, it can be an enlightening and spiritual journey if you choose to do Yoga.

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