12 health benefits of sunflower seeds!

The benefits of sunflower seeds that we should know as they may be tiny, but they are very nutritious. They are a great source of many vitamins and nutrients, including over 100% of the recommended daily intake for copper, manganese , and selenium .

Also, sunflower seeds are the fruiting bodies of the sunflower plant, which has the scientific name Helianthus Annuus . There are three commonly used types, but what matters here are the potential health benefits of sunflower seeds .

In addition, they are consumed as snacks in many parts of the world and can be consumed either in the form of a “seed”, as well as hulled, in which only the grain is eaten.

Both the husk and the inner seed have a different nutrient profile. In some countries, they are also used in culinary preparations of other recipes. They are very tasty and nutrient-dense, particularly when salted.

Health benefits of sunflower seeds:

1. Skin health:

One of the best components of sunflower seeds is the high content of vitamin E. Plus, one cup has about 80% of your daily requirements, so your body will get a big boost of antioxidants . Vitamin E can act as an antioxidant  and is known to rejuvenate the skin by increasing blood circulation and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Helps in weight loss:

Sunflower seeds are known to contain a high amount of calories, but they also have a good amount of dietary fiber. This can speed up the digestive process and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, fiber makes the body feel full, preventing overeating.

3. Hair health:

 If you regularly consume sunflower seeds, it can give your hair an excellent texture and tone. Vitamin E is not only good for the skin, but also for the hair. In addition to minerals and antioxidants , they contain iron , which can stimulate circulation and boost blood flow to the scalp, encouraging hair growth.

4. Lowers cholesterol: 

Phytosterols are found in high concentrations in sunflower and pistachio seeds. Therefore, they are a great compound that control cholesterol. Additionally, a handful of these seeds daily can protect the heart by reducing cholesterol and plaque deposition in arteries and blood vessels.

5. Production of hormones: 

Research has found that the benefits of sunflower seeds  provide a better functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland controls many of the hormonal activities in the body.

6. Improves digestion: 

The dietary fiber present in the seeds can optimize digestion by bulking up stool and promoting peristaltic movement. It can also improve the bacterial balance in your gut and make nutrient absorption more efficient.

7. Against cancer: 

Some studies have linked selenium to preventing the spread and occurrence of cancer. In addition, they work as a powerful antioxidant in the body. The benefits of sunflower seeds  can slow down oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals before they can do too much damage.

8. Improves mood: 

Magnesium has been linked to an improvement in mood and temperament. This is one of the minerals present in a moderate concentration in the seeds. If you suffer from anxiety or depression regularly, they may be the perfect snack for you.

9. Against insomnia: 

In terms of improving sleep, magnesium can support the body in converting tryptophan to serotonin. It is a “feel good” hormone that can relax the body and prepare it for sleep.

10. Development of the body:

Although the amount of protein present in these seeds is low, it can still aid in the growth and development of the body. In addition, proteins  contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body.

sunflower seeds benefits

11. Treat hypertension:

Magnesium plays a key role in the body’s calcium channels which can have a big impact on electrolyte balance and blood pressure. In addition, almost 30% of the daily requirement of magnesium is met with a 1/4. Therefore, the benefits of sunflower seeds can be an excellent remedy to treat the symptoms of hypertension .

12. Anti-inflammatory properties: 

Some people consume these seeds because of the vitamin E content . This antioxidant vitamin has been directly connected to reducing the symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions throughout the body.

Side effects of sunflower seeds:

Some of the potential side effects of consuming too much sunflower seeds include weight gain, skin rashes, kidney problems and high blood pressure. Fortunately, most of these side effects can be avoided by consuming a moderate amount.

  • Kidney Problems: Due to the high phosphorus content , avoid excessive consumption of this compound. A large amount of this mineral in the body can be quite serious and can lead to kidney problems. Also, a moderate amount of sunflower seeds is needed to reap the most potential health benefits.
  • Rashes: They also have a lot of mineral and selenium . If you consume too many sunflower seeds, you may develop skin inflammation, chronic fatigue, or mood swings.
  • Blood Pressure: Too many sunflower seeds, despite their health benefits, can provide high levels of sodium . It can be dangerous for blood pressure and heart health.

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