Bay leaf – what is it for, benefits and harms!

Bay leaf has a lot of nutrients that are essential for the overall health of the body. It is an aromatic olive herb. It is pleasant in a variety of dishes, which makes for a memorable meal. Not only do bay leaves taste good, they are also perfect for your body.

It has properties that are detoxifying and can slow down aging. The herb fights bacterial infections and improves everything from respiratory problems to heart health . It is a powerful herb that everyone can benefit from. Read on to discover the best ways to make it part of your lifestyle.

Relieve Anxiety and Fatigue:

The combination of chemicals in Bay Leaf produces a psychedelic calming effect when burned. Also, all you need to do is burn a couple of dried bay leaves, as if you were making incense. When breathing in the vapors, you have a relaxed and alert state of mind.

Help the Respiratory System:

It is a key stimulant in the respiratory passages and can help dislodge phlegm and mucus in the lungs . Also, the best way to heal the respiratory system is to inhale bay leaf steam, or oil. You can also massage bay leaf oil on your chest to treat allergies and asthma.

Eliminate dandruff:

To treat dandruff, mix it with warmed jojoba oil. Massage into your scalp, wrap your head in a towel and rest for 15 to 60 minutes. In addition, you can also add a few drops of oil to your daily shampoo to fight dandruff .

Against Cancer:

 Bay leaves are particularly suitable for preventing free radicals, which unfortunately can change healthy cells into cancerous cells. In addition, these plants contain a wonderful mix of antioxidants and the compounds that enable this anti – cancer procedure , which include: parthenopolitan, linalool, catechins and phytonutrients.

Treat o Diabetes:

One article found it to be an effective treatment for people with type 2 diabetes . Additionally, this study showed that consuming just 3 grams a day can lower glucose levels.

Digestion Aid:

Mediterranean peoples who use alternative medicine believe in the warming and healing ability. Increases “digestive fire”. So include it in your cooking or rub bay leaf oil on your stomach after eating. In addition, this can promote the secretion of digestive juices, enzymes and bile.

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