AIDS – Transmission, Prevention and Treatment
- Swelling of the lymph nodes for more than 3 months.
- Fast weight loss.
- Prolonged dry cough and scratchy throat.
- Sweats at night.
- Lasting fever.
- Joint and muscle pain.
The effective means of preventing and avoiding Transmission is information, many people who transmit the virus do not know they have it. So check out now AIDS – Transmission, Prevention and Treatments.
News of the week:
Transmission of AIDS: Transmission of AIDS occurs through contact with blood, vaginal secretions, sperm, or breast milk contaminated with the HIV virus . In addition, the HIV virus , when entering the individual’s body, will weaken his immune system and cause symptoms such as fever, general malaise, dry cough and sore throat that usually only manifest 3 to 6 weeks after the infection. infection and which can be mistaken for a cold or flu.
Thus, if the individual has had any risky behavior, such as intimate contact without a condom, or has used syringes from an infected individual, they should perform an HIV test after 40 to 60 days to confirm whether or not they have AIDS .
Means of Transmission of AIDS: The transmission of AIDS only occurs when there is direct contact with the blood or secretions of an infected individual, and it is not transmitted through kisses or contact with the sweat of an infected individual. of transmission.
- Through blood and other body secretions in directly with the mouth, handshake and hugs.
- Direct contact with infected blood Use the same glass, cutlery or plate.
- Sexual intercourse without a condom with an infected individual.
- Use the same needle or syringe as an infected individual Use the same bathtub or swimming pool.
- From mother to child through childbirth or breastfeeding Tears, sweat, clothes or sheets.
Vertical Transmission of AIDS: Vertical transmission of AIDS is the contamination that passes from the mother with AIDS to her baby, whether through the placenta, labor, delivery or breastfeeding. In addition, this contamination can occur if the mother’s viral load is very high or if she breastfeeds the baby. To avoid vertical transmission of AIDS, it is recommended that the mother follows the treatment even during pregnancy to minimize her viral load and that she does not breastfeed her baby, offering breast milk from another woman, which can be obtained from the bank. of human milk.
Despite AIDS being a highly contagious disease, it is possible to live, have lunch, work or have a romantic relationship with an AIDS patient, as kissing, sharing kitchen utensils or shaking hands, for example, do not transmit AIDS . However, if the person with AIDS has a cut on the hand, for example, it is necessary to be careful, such as not shaking the hand or wearing gloves so as not to come into contact with the blood.
Means of AIDS Prevention: The best way to prevent AIDS is to use condoms in all sexual relations and male or female condoms can be purchased in supermarkets, pharmacies and drugstores, but they are also distributed free of charge at health posts and campaigns. AIDS preventioncarried out by the government. It is possible to prevent AIDS by adopting some precautions, such as:
- Use condoms in all intimate relationships, even oral ones.
- Use gloves and only sterile material if you have to touch blood or other secretions.
- Do not share syringes.
- In case of HIV positive mother , do not breastfeed the baby.
- It is very important to always take these precautions, even in the case of individuals already carrying the HIV virus , to avoid recontamination, which makes treatment even more difficult.
Important: This infection is transmitted through blood and other body secretions and it is by avoiding contact that contamination can be avoided. In addition, the condom must be removed carefully so as not to touch the secretions so as not to be contaminated and, to remove it, hold the tip, where the secretion is, rotate slightly, squeezing so that the secretion does not come out and then pulling the condom, removing it from the penis and throwing it in the garbage, making a knot so that no liquid comes out.
Take care of your health, to know if you have AIDS , you need to go to the infectious disease specialist or general practitioner, approximately 3 months after intercourse to have a blood test and, generally, if sexual intercourse has happened with an HIV -infected patient , the risk of having the disease is greater. In addition, in this way, anyone who has had any risk behavior and suspects that they may have been infected with the HIV virus must take the HIV test , anonymously and free of charge, at any CTA – testing and counseling center.
However, the test can also be done safely and quickly at home. Testing is recommended after 40 to 60 days of risky behavior, or when the first AIDS -related symptoms appear , such as persistent candidiasis, for example. In some cases, such as healthcare workers who have pricked themselves on infected needles or for rape victims, it is possible to ask the infectologist to take a prophylactic dose of HIV medication , up to 72 hours, which decreases the risk of developing the disease.
AIDS Treatments: There are several scientific researches in search of a cure for AIDS and over the years, there have been many advances and some people have managed to completely eliminate the HIV virus from the blood, being apparently cured. They continue to carry out tests periodically so that researchers know what has happened in their bodies and can replicate the therapy in all people infected with the HIV virus .
But despite advances, the treatments used still cannot be replicated to be used in other people for various reasons, which can put the person’s life at risk. Therefore, researchers around the world are involved in research in search of the definitive cure for AIDS . So check out the treatments currently available to fight the AIDS Virus now .
Treatment of AIDS with Stem Cells: Another treatment with stem cells was also able to eliminate the HIV virus , but as it involved very complex procedures, it cannot be used on a large scale because this is a complicated and very risky treatment. , as about 1 in 5 transplant patients dies during the procedure. Thimothy Ray Brown was the first patient to be cured of AIDS after undergoing a bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia and after the procedure his viral load was decreasing more and more until the latest tests confirmed that he is currently HIV negative and it can be said that he is the first man to be cured of AIDS in the entire world.
Thimothy received stem cells from a man who had a genetic mutation that only about 1% of the population in northern Europe has: The absence of the CCR5 receptor, which makes him naturally resistant to the AIDS virus . This caused the patient to no longer produce HIV-infected cells and , with treatment, the cells that were already infected were eliminated.
Vaccine and Vorinostat AIDS Treatment: A vaccine that helps the body recognize HIV -infected cellswhen combined with a drug called Vorinostat, which activates ‘dormant’ cells in the body, could be a new weapon against HIV . In a study carried out in the United Kingdom, one patient was able to completely eliminate the HIV virus , but the other 49 participants did not have the same result and therefore more research is needed on its performance until a treatment protocol can be developed that is capable of be applied worldwide. And so more research will be carried out in this direction in the coming years.
AIDS Treatment With Cocktails: AIDS is a serious disease that still does not have a definitive cure, but there are treatments that can prolong life and fight opportunistic infections, improving the person’s quality of life. Currently, the treatment of AIDS is done with a cocktail of drugs, which, despite not being able to completely eliminate the HIV virus from the blood, manages to increase the individual’s life expectancy.
Useful links:
Why does AIDS have no cure? Basically, the definitive cure for AIDS has not yet been discovered because the HIV virus always replicates in a different way and the drugs that initially seem to stop it, with the passage of time, lose their effect. In addition, it is believed that the cure for AIDS may be related to the correct activation of the immune system, and may arise when the person’s body is able to identify the HIV virus and all its mutations, being able to eliminate them completely.