9 SUPER Exercise Tips To Lose Weight Fast
The 9 SUPER Exercise Tips To Lose Weight Fast . In addition, most women dream of losing weight quickly and have already adhered to some extreme measure to lose weight fast. However, for those who want and/or need to lose weight fast, promoting calorie expenditure is a tactic that cannot be left out of everyday life.
For this, it is worth switching the elevator for the stairs, walking from home to work instead of using the car and running with the children and pet instead of just watching them play. However, to further increase the number of calories eliminated, it is essential to also follow a good training program, consisting of Exercises to Lose Weight Fast .
And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in today’s article, in which we’ll bring you a list of activities that can help you get rid of excess pounds soon. So, check out the 9 SUPER Exercise Tips to Lose Weight Fast .
1. Functional Intensity: to accelerate the burning of calories, start an aerobic interval exercise, that is, with high intensity shots and rest intervals in movement, after that, repeat the circuit 3 times with a series of each exercise ( from 2 to 10). Know that they must be performed in sequence and without pause, with maximum intensity.
bike exercise
2. Bike:
- For 20 minutes, do an average of 12 shots of 40 seconds with a high load, so that you catch your breath,
- Then take 1-minute breaks by pedaling slowly and without load.
3. Biceps Squats:
- Sit on a bench at knee height,
- Grab two dumbbells with the weight indicated for you and keep your legs hip-width apart.
- Stand with the dumbbells against your thigh, palms facing forward and spine straight.
- Bend your elbows and bring the weights towards your shoulders, stretch your arms up and keep a shoulder-width distance,
- Then do the reverse movement, stop in each position, to go back to the beginning until you sit down.
- Do 12 reps.
4. Flexion:
- Support your knees on the floor, bend your elbows and lower your torso towards the ground,
- Then stretch your arms and raise your body,
- Do 12 reps and to make it even more difficult, you can take your knees off the floor and keep your legs straight.
5. Triceps not Bench:
- Support your palms close to your body on a bench at knee height,
- keep your arms straight so that your thighs form a straight line parallel to the floor, your feet should be slightly in front of your knees.
- Bend your elbows and place your butt on the floor, be careful not to move your back from the bench,
- Do 12 repetitions and to make it harder, you can spread your feet apart until your legs are fully extended and your heels are flat on the floor.
6. Alternating Lunge:
- Stand with your legs open and your hands on your hips, take a step back with your right foot, while squatting, almost touching your knee to the ground,
- Keeping your core tight so you don’t let your left knee go forward, return to the starting position.
- Do the same with the left leg,
- Repeat 12 times.
7. Climbing:
- With hands on the floor and arms outstretched,
- Plank by forming a straight line from shoulders to heels, bring your right knee towards your right shoulder,
- Return to the starting position, continuing lightly with the left knee towards the left shoulder,
- Do the movement for 30 seconds,
- To make it harder, direct your right knee to your left shoulder, twisting your torso and doing the same with the other side.
8. Alternate feed:
- Standing with your legs hip-width apart and arms at your sides,
- Take a step forward with your left leg,
- Bend your knees and bring your torso forward until your hands touch your feet,
- The right heel can leave the floor, keeping only the base of the toes supported,
- return to the starting position standing, do the same with the right leg,
- Repeat 12 times.
9. Sit-up with Lateral Arm Rotation:
- Sit on the floor,
- Keep your spine straight and your legs fully stretched out in front of you,
- Then, twist your torso to the right and hold a ball on the right side of your waist with both hands,
- Then, lift the ball above your head and pass it in front of your body with your arms straight,
- Take it to the other side of the waist and twist the torso,
- Make movements for 30 seconds.
Breathing is very important for strengthening the abdomen. This is because the abdominal muscles attach to the last ribs, that is, they are part of the rib cage. With proper movement of the rib cage during breathing at the time of physical exercise, activation of this musculature is more effective and consistent.
The ideal is always to exhale, release the air, during the movement to increase the pressure inside the abdomen, and to inhale (pull in the air) every time the body is coming back from this movement. In addition, this increase in pressure leads to the contraction of more muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine during movement.”