5 Tips to Get Rid of Dark Circles

You know what’s called an idiopathic orbital hyperchromia ring? It’s what we commonly call dark circles . but with their name “Difficult” or easy they are always unwanted and boring. In addition, dark circles are the result of melanin production and excessive dilation of capillaries adjacent to the skin’s surface.

The truth is that the frustration we feel when we wake up and realize our eyes are inflamed or down is equivalent to the amount of concealer we use to try to hide them. Even more so when associated with a sleepless night or excessive fatigue, they often do not respond to either of these two reasons. The skin of this sector is extremely sensitive.

But we are going to teach you some homemade tricks you can use to quickly remove this dark shadow under your eyes, reducing inflammation.

1. Rose water:  While you can find it for sale in any cosmetics store, you can also prepare it at home and very easily. Follow the steps below:

  • Boil water a handful of rose petals,
  • Then strain and store in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Rose water moisturizes the skin, nourishes, reduces swelling and redness. It also helps improve the appearance of the skin, restoring its radiance and rejuvenation.


  • Soak two pieces of cotton in rose water,
  • Then cover the eye area for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure morning and night to see visible results.

2. Sweet Almond Oil: It reduces inflammation and tones the skin. Apply a drop to the dark circles area and gently massage with your fingers before going to sleep.

3. Cucumber Mask: Cucumbercontains substances that rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. It also contains bleaching properties that can reverse tan.


  • Cut a cucumber into slices and keep in the fridge for half an hour.
  • When the slices are cool, place over the eyes, paying particular attention to the dark circles area.
  • Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the treatment for 1 week.

4. Mask With Bread and Milk: Milk tones the skin and reduces redness, while bread is rich in yeast and vitamin B that helps reduce inflammation.


  • Prepare a soft dough with bread and milk until paste.
  • Then apply on eyes and dark circles for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat once a day.

5. Herbs and Ice: The cold itself is always healthy for the skin. It gives elasticity, refines wrinkles and reduces inflammation. Use ice with medicinal herbs to treat dark circles . You just need sage, chamomile flowers and parsley.


  • Disintegrating each herb and pour boiling water.
  • Let the herbs emit their juices for about two hours while cooling.
  • When at room temperature, spread into ice cube trays (ice molds) and place in the freezer.
  • The next morning, place a cube in each eye for 30 seconds and repeat for 15 days and observe the results.

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