Why Do I Have Migraine? Complete Explanation!

Migraine is one of the types of headache (headache), which is characterized by a throbbing pain on one side of the head (sometimes both), usually accompanied by photophobia and phonophobia, nausea and vomiting. The duration of the crisis varies from four to 72 hours, and may be shorter in children. According to the Ministry of Health, 5 to 25% of women and 2 to 10% of men have migraine .Migraine is predominant  in people aged between 25 and 45 years, and after the age of 50 this percentage tends to decrease, especially in women. The disease occurs in 3 to 10% of children, affecting both genders equally before puberty, but with a predominance in females after this stage. Migraine can be divided into with aura or without aura, and these into episodic or chronic.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, 64% of all these patients had migraine without aura, 18% with aura and 13% with and without aura. The remaining 5% had aura without headache. In addition, chronic migraine is characterized by headache on 15 or more days of the month, with eight days with typical migraine attacks, for more than three months, in the absence of drug abuse.

Causes of Migraine:  The exact causes of migraine are unknown, although they are known to be related to brain changes and have a genetic influence. Migraine begins when nervecells, already in a state of hyperexcitability, react to some trigger, often external, sending impulses to blood vessels, causing their constriction (aura related) followed by dilation (expansion) and the release of prostaglandins, serotonin. and other inflammatory substances that cause pain.

The crisis pattern is always the same for each individual, varying only in intensity. Spacing between seizures is variable. It is also known that the trigger for migraine attacks varies from individual to individual, and in some the person may not have any specific trigger. The most common migraine triggers are:

  • Stress
  • prolonged fasting
  • Sleeping more or less than usual
  • Sudden changes in temperature and humidity
  • Perfumes and other very strong odors
  • physical effort
  • Intense lights and sounds
  • Drug abuse, including pain relievers

Hormonal factors: it is common for women with migraine to experience pain in the pre, during or after menstruation phases. This type of migraine is called menstrual migraine. This type of migraine tends to spontaneously improve at menopause. Many women have worsened, or even improved, attacks from the moment they start using oral contraceptives.

Food and beverages:  Aged yellow cheeses, citrus fruits (especially oranges, lemons, pineapples and peaches), processed meats, fried foods and excess fats, chocolates, coffee, tea and cola-based soft drinks, aspartame (artificial sweetener), monosodium glutamate (a type of salt used as a flavor enhancer, especially in Chinese food), too much alcohol.

Extra Problems With Migraines: A migraine is such a severe pain that it can cause many routine activities to have to be postponed or cancelled. In addition, Missing appointments, not accepting the invitation to participate in an event with friends or failing to attend family meetings are situations that have certainly occurred in the routine of those who live with the disorder.

Hereditary Factor:  Much is heard about the influence of heredity in triggering migraine attacks . However, what can really be said is that the most uncommon types of the disease come from genetics. In other cases, other diseases that are also passed from generation to generation may have annoying pain as one of their symptoms. In addition, some rarer types of migraine , such as familial hemiplegic, or autosomal dominant transmission, are genetically transmitted.

However, other genetic neurological diseases can also present with migraine attacks . For this reason, the so important attitude of investigating the reason for the condition in search of an adequate solution for solving the problem, as soon as possible, is reinforced.

Time to take care of yourself:  Sometimes, people who suffer from migraine have a certain fear of seeking medical help. Thinking that it will be fleeting and even masking pain with painkillers, which do not need a prescription to be acquired, are attitudes that can aggravate the problem if the causes of the disorder are not properly investigated.

The help of a specialized professional will be important even when there is a suspicion of other reasons for the headaches (called secondary ones, in this case) or if the primary headaches come to prevent daily activities. Also be aware of the abuse of pain medication.

Therefore, when the headache somehow starts to interfere with the routine, it is more than recommended to look for a specialist. With the proper guidance, it will be possible to find out if the migraine comes from some bad habit of everyday life, such as eating poorly, or if the pain is a warning that something is not going right in the body. Even if they are sporadic, prevention is always the best choice, especially when it comes to something as serious as health.

Less serious reasons such as fasting, sleeping a few hours a night, and mood swings can also trigger a migraine attack.

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