Why should you never wash raw chicken before cooking?

Why should you never wash raw chicken before cooking? Raw chicken can   contain two  very common bacteria  : salmonella and campylobacter, which can cause everything from diarrhea to the development of an autoimmune disease.

According to published studies, 47% of people who  wash raw chicken before cooking  end up being affected in some way by these  bacteria . It is important to remember that the bacteria present in raw chicken will be eliminated when cooking.

But not in the sink. It can be easily transferred to nearby clean dishes and other food awaiting processing.

Why should you never wash raw chicken before cooking?

Most people think that they should wash the chicken before cooking it to get rid of any bacteria that may be present, however this is a totally incorrect practice.

When you put chicken under the tap or in water, this water is contaminated with the bacteria that inhabit this type of meat. These bacteria , which are completely invisible to the human eye, are now out of control, on the counter, on the table, anywhere that water has splashed and on every surface it has come into contact with.

One of the most common bacteria in chicken is salmonella and is responsible for making children sick. This type of contamination can show symptoms that include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. This illness manifests itself between 12 and 72 hours after the infection has occurred (that is, after the person has been exposed to the bacteria), and the illness lasts between 4 and 7 days.

The bacteria that live in the chicken can be destroyed by cooking the chicken at a temperature of 75 degrees Celsius. According to published studies, 47% of people who wash raw chicken before cooking end up being affected with this infection.

Foods that should always be washed:

1. Cans with food before opening them: 

You should never open a can of food before washing it, especially the lid to prevent any bacteria present in it from coming into contact with the food you are about to eat. It is also important to rinse (in the case of vegetables, for example) what is inside the can to eliminate the preservatives that have been placed.

2. Fruits and vegetables with edible skins: 

Always and without exception you should wash all fruits and vegetables with edible peels. You should do this when you are about to eat the food and with cold water. Some people also use soap to wash, but that’s not good as the porous surface of the fruit or vegetable will absorb some of the soap, and that’s not healthy.

If you want to further reduce any bacteria that may be left behind, use a paper towel to dry the food before consuming it. It’s important for you to know that even though these foods claim to be organic, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wash them, and the water sprays that markets keep them fresher longer don’t mean they’re already washed. .

3. Fruits and vegetables with inedible skins: 

Potatoes , bananas , oranges , etc., have inedible skins (it is worth mentioning that potato skins can be eaten), however, it is necessary to wash these foods because they are covered in soil and bacteria that can be transferred to the inside the fruit or vegetable as you handle it.

Often, out of habit or because we believe we are doing the right thing, we make mistakes when handling food, leaving a clear path for bacteria to contaminate and make us sick. Now that you know, stay tuned and protect yourself and your family members with these tips.

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