10 ways to remove plaque from your teeth at home!

The ways to remove plaque from your teeth at home effectively because some organisms will be more prone to the development of plaque and tartar , and this happens even if you brush your teeth well. Usually a mere reflection of the tooth structure, as well as the acidity and pH of the mouth. We will see that, despite the almost frequent formation of plaques and tartar in some mouths, it is possible to eliminate them with completely natural home remedies and treatments.

Having plaque on your teeth is an affliction that, to a greater or lesser degree, we all suffer at some point. Therefore, in addition to being unsightly and unhygienic, it is dangerous for our oral health, since plaque is the breeding ground for more serious diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal diseases.

We start by saying that plaque is the rest of the food that settles between the gums and teeth. This food to accumulate and spend time hardens and forms a hard crust that is difficult to remove. Also, plaque or tartar is a collection of bacteria between your teeth.

Ways to remove plaque from your tooth at home:

While there are several products on the market to remove plaque, almost all of them are made with chemicals. If instead you want to have a natural alternative, we recommend that you check out the following home remedies that  Health Tips  puts at your fingertips:

1. Sodium bicarbonate: 

Baking soda is one of the ways to remove plaque from your teeth at home . In addition, it will play an effective role in eliminating plaque and tartar .

  1.  To do this, just wet your toothbrush and sprinkle it with baking soda .
  2. Then brush your teeth well with it.
  3. Then just rinse and repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

2. White vinegar: 

Another good ways to remove plaque from your tooth at home . In addition, white vinegar is essential for the health of the body. Its antibacterial properties effectively help to eliminate plaque.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of sea salt in ½ cup of warm water.
  2. Use as a mouthwash and gargle for 3 minutes.
  3. It can be done once a day, preferably at night.

3. Coconut Oil: 

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of coconut oil work impressively in removing plaque completely.

  1. To use this natural remedy, simply rinse your mouth with 1 tablespoon of  extra virgin coconut oil for 15 minutes.
  2.  After the time, spit out the oil (without swallowing).
  3. It can be done once a day.

4. Aloe vera or aloe vera:

This is a good option to  remove plaque from your tooth at home In addition, aloe vera has regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties capable of removing cases of drastic formation of plaques and even tartar.

  1. Use aloe vera  paste (which can be purchased or extracted) and apply between your teeth and gums.
  2. Let it act for 15 minutes and then rinse.
  3. This procedure can be done twice a day.

5. Orange Peel: 

The orange peel maintains the potentiated properties of the fruit. You can use the inside of the shells and rub on your teeth before going to bed, rinsing in the morning. Thus, you will ensure the elimination of plaques and also tartar in a simple way. This is all due to the strong presence of ascorbic acid and essential vitamins.

6. Proper brushing: 

In addition to all the home remedies and treatments mentioned above, the best way to remove plaque from your teeth at home  is through proper brushing. Always remember to brush your teeth after each meal, at least 3 times a day.

In addition, it is also recommended that you seek the advice of a doctor or oral health professional before starting any health treatment. Only a professional will be able to guide you about the appropriate treatment.

7. Guava: 

Guava leaves have “anti-plaque” elements that contribute to oral health.

  1. To get its benefits, simply wash two guava leaves and chew them for a few minutes.
  2. Then throw them away and rinse your mouth well with warm water.
  3. It can be done daily.

8. Cloves: 

Cloves are widely known for their antibacterial and anesthetic properties and so it is a good way to remove plaque from your teeth at home . Furthermore, its use to treat plaques is very simple.

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of clove powder with a few drops of olive oil to form a paste.
  2. Rub over the affected area and let it act for 5 minutes.
  3.  Rinse and repeat up to 2 times a day if necessary.

9. Black tea: 

Its antioxidant properties make the enamel of the teeth develop in a healthy way.

  1.  To utilize its benefits, brew a cup of black tea , making sure it is well concentrated.
  2.  Then use the tea once a day to rinse your mouth.
  3. The result will be visible in a few weeks.

10. Rosemary Oil:

Rosemary oil is one of the best ways to remove plaque from your teeth at home Well,  rosemary oil is able to kill bacteria, working as a mouthwash.

  1. Simply add 2 drops of rosemary oil to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rinse your mouth for 10 minutes.
  2. It can be done twice a day.

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