Watermelon Tea with Pineapple to Prevent Pressure Ulcers (and Recipes)

This watermelon tea with pineapple  also helps to purify the body, increasing the performance of the liver and kidneys as it contains components that favor liver cleansing, enhancing the elimination of toxins that overload our body, thus preventing pressure ulcers.

What is pressure ulcers?

Pressure ulcers can be defined as a skin lesion caused by the interruption of blood in a certain area, which develops due to increased pressure for a prolonged period.

It is also known as a decubitus ulcer, eschar or pressure sore.

The term eschar should be used when there is a necrotic part or black crust in the lesion.

Pineapple Watermelon Tea Recipe to Prevent Pressure Ulcers 


Preparation mode

  • Boil the water and make an infusion with the espinheira-santa.
  • Let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Strain and blend the liquid with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Consume to follow.
  • Drink 1 times a day, daily.
  • Take breaks of one to two weeks so your body rests and the drink continues to work.


To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

To maximize the results taking this juice, do not forget to practice some physical activity.

Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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