Top 8 Symptoms of Gingivitis!

The Main Symptoms of Gingivitis that we should not ignore. In addition, gingivitis  is an inflammation of the gums  due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the teeth , which causes symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling and bleeding.

What is Gingivitis: Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It is the initial stage of periodontal disease and therefore easier to treat, but if left untreated, it can progress and cause more serious complications.

The main symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • swollen gums ;
  • Intense redness of the gums ;
  • Bleeding when brushing teeth  or flossing;
  • In the most severe cases there may be spontaneous bleeding from the gums ;
  • Pain and bleeding gums  when chewing;
  • teeth  that look longer than they really are because the gum  is retracted;
  • Bad breath and bad taste in the mouth.

Causes Gingivitis: Gingivitis  is the first stage of periodontal disease, which consists of an inflammation and infection that causes changes in the tissues that support the teeth , such as the gums , ligaments and alveolar bone – the bone tissue that surrounds the roots of the teeth .

Gingivitis is sometimes the result of the long-term effects of plaque buildup – although the disease can be noticed much earlier as well . Gingivitis is  usually caused by poor or poorly oriented hygiene. Plaque, or biofilm in medical terms, is a sticky material made of bacteria, mucus, and food residue that develops on the exposed part of your teeth . It is also the biggest cause of tooth decay.

If the plaque is not removed, it turns into a hard deposit called tartar, which gets stuck in the tooth. Bacteria and toxins produced by plaque and tartar irritate the gums  and make them swollen and tender.

Gum damage  can result from a number of causes. Even excessive brushing or vigorous flossing can cause gingivitis . In addition, hormonal changes can also increase the risk of developing this inflammation, as they make the gums  more sensitive. Gingivitis  is most common in teenagers at the beginning of puberty, young people in early adulthood, and in pregnant women.

Misaligned teeth , rough filling tips, or poorly fitting or poorly cleaned appliances, such as braces and dentures, can irritate your gums  and increase the risk of inflammation.

Also related to Gingivitis  are the use of medications such as phenytoin and birth control pills, as well as heavy metals such as lead and bismuth.

How to Treat Gingivitis: When the gum  is a little swollen, red and bleeding but you can’t see the accumulation of bacterial plaque between the teeth  and gum , home treatment is enough to cure gingivitis .

However, when gingivitis  is already very advanced, and it is possible to see a large bacterial plate hardened between the teeth  and the gum , brushing can become very painful and difficult, causing more bleeding, requiring treatment in the dental office.

In these cases, you should consult the dentist for a professional cleaning with instruments suitable for scaling. The dentist will also check to see if any teeth are decayed or need some other treatment. In addition, it may be necessary to start using antibiotics, in pill form for about 5 days, using mouthwashes and dental floss, to eliminate bacteria more quickly and allow the gums to  heal.

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