Top 15 causes of white vaginal discharge

The main causes of white vaginal discharge are part of the changes that occur in the menstrual cycle. Also, white vaginal discharge is the normal secretion or fluid coming from the vagina , whose function is to help clean the area and help prevent infection. Amount, smell and color (from clear to a milky white color) may vary depending on the time of the menstrual cycle. This flow, however, also appears during pregnancy and, although its color can vary in texture and smell, so now we are going to explain more about all the causes of the appearance of white vaginal discharge .

Normal White Discharge :

  • It should not be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, burning or irritation.
  • It can never have a bad odor.
  • Quantity and consistency should vary throughout the menstrual cycle. It is most abundant during ovulation.
  • It is said that there are more than 2 conditions that can cause changes in the amount, color and consistency of white vaginal discharge . Some can be explained by physiological processes of the organism, others are pathological in nature. So, check out  Top 15 Causes of White Vaginal Discharge .

Yeast Infections: It is a common cause of white vaginal discharge . Also, yeast infections and sexually transmitted diseases are not the only culprits here.

Ovulation Period: After the ovulation period, whitish vaginal discharge  is normal and similar to body lotion.

Pregnancy: When a woman is pregnant, after giving birth or while breastfeeding, the vaginal discharge becomes more and more abundant and changes slightly in color, becoming white.

After Having Unprotected Sex: Vaginal discharge the next morning becomes more liquid, thick and milky white.

Inflammation: White vaginal discharge often occurs as a symptom of various inflammations such as vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis, among other gynecological conditions. Fungal infections, vulvovaginal candidiasis being the most common.

Stress: White vaginal discharge can also be caused bymental stress and anxiety.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: White vaginal discharge can be caused by some sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexual Arousal: White or slightly watery vaginal discharge  is a sign of sexual arousal. The effect of this flow is to lubricate the vagina to protect it during sexual intercourse.

Disorders in the Pelvis:  Pelvic inflammatory disease and other disorders of the pelvis can be responsible for white vaginal discharge in women. In addition, women at risk for vaginal discharge are also those who lift heavy objects, suffer from anemia , low immunity and tuberculosis .

Taking Antibiotics: If you take antibiotics for a long time, they can end up causing you to drop your body’s defenses and therefore, in addition to other symptoms, a vaginal infection can appear.

Using Tampons: If you keep a wet tampon on your body for many hours, it will cause white vaginal discharge with an odor and can even lead to an infection.

Cervical Problems: Problems in the cervical area can lead to white vaginal discharge .

Frequent Douches: Exposing the vagina to a new type of household cleaning agent, bath or product can have an effect on it. Chemicals found in detergents and fabric softeners, feminine sprays, creams, soaps or douches, and contraceptive creams can irritate the vagina  causing white vaginal discharge .

Uterus Cancer: It is the most serious case, but it is also the least frequent. In any case, it is a warning sign, as in some cases the first symptom of uterine cancer was preceded by the appearance of abnormal white vaginal discharge , very viscous and with a strong odor.

Other Causes:  Other causes of white vaginal discharge include ruptured perineum, ptosis of the vaginal walls, douching with concentrated antiseptic solutions, use of chemical contraceptives, long-term stagnation in the pelvic area, and poor personal hygiene.

White vaginal discharge is absolutely a normal phenomenon of a healthy woman, however, it is very important to be aware of its characteristics. Normally vaginal secretions are viscous, odorless, transparent, without any cause of itching, irritation, burning or redness of the vulva.

Another important detail is that white vaginal discharge does not remain the same throughout the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, which usually occurs midway through the cycle, mucus secretions change color (transparent to pearly white) and consistency (fluid and more elastic and creamy). This is why at the beginning of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a woman may experience a pearly white flow, which is quite normal if there is no other vaginal discomfort.

Be Careful: Candidiasis:  This condition is associated with antibiotic use, weakened immune system, changing hormone levels in pregnancy, oral contraceptives,uncontrolled diabetes , among other factors.

Candidiasis is diagnosed based on symptoms, a gynecological examination, and the results of a vaginal sample. Early symptoms of candidiasis include thick white vaginal discharge and itching of the vulva. They are often also presented with pain when urinating and during intercourse, redness and swelling of the vulva. However, vulvovaginal candidiasis can develop virtually asymptomatic, without pain or discomfort, apparently normal.

If there is no vaginal discomfort or other obvious symptoms, it is recommended to monitor the flow for a while. If it decreases at the beginning of the cycle and in the second phase it increases after ovulation, it is normal. Otherwise, if the continuous flow is profuse and has an unpleasant smell, it is likely an infection. It is best to consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate recommendations.

Having white vaginal discharge is not a reason to start any kind of self-treatment, especially when it comes to antibiotics or antifungals. Only a proper test can reveal the exact cause of your condition. Based on their results, they will provide an outline of an individual treatment, which may include antibacterial medications, vaginal suppositories, hygiene measures.

Note: A warm bath with clean, soapy water can help with the bothersome symptoms of white vaginal discharge if it is not caused by an infection or illness.

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