Tips to Treat Eye Bags Naturally

Tips To Treat Eye Bags Naturally are done in a simple and natural way. Also, eye bags can be genetically, aging  and water retention, as well as problems like kidney and liver disease, can cause bags under your eyes . Get enough sleep; elevate your head (with an extra pillow!) while sleeping; cut the salt; Applying a cool compress, cucumber slices or tea bags over closed eyes can help. Eyes are  probably the first thing people notice about your face. And bags under the eyes can look tired and unattractive.

Tips for Treating Eye Bags Naturally:

Causes of Eye Bags:  Genetics plays a crucial role in the development of eye bags.  So, if your parents have puffy eyes  , you can also develop them at the same age. As we age, our skin starts to sag and the fat reservoirs around our eyes  shift to form a puffy mouth.

The fatty tissue under the eyes  can retain water, so factors like salty foods or allergies  that encourage water retention can lead to puffy eyes. swollen eyes  can sometimes point to kidney disease. So check in with your doctor if you have additional symptoms, such as a rapid frequency of urination, itchy, dry skin, muscle cramps, and swollen ankles and feet.

Liver disease can lead to fatty deposits around your eyes as  well. Additionally, additional symptoms like trouble sleeping, dry mouth and eyes, pain in the abdomen, and dizziness may warrant a visit to the doctor. So, check out  the 7 Tips to Treat Eye Bags Naturally.

Sleep Well To Treat Eye Bags:  Getting a good night’s sleep can be a big step towards Treating Eye Bags. While the amount of sleep may differ from person to person, most adults need six to nine hours of sleep a night. Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule if you have trouble sleeping. Curling up before bedtime, taking a warm, relaxing bath, or reading a book can also help you fall asleep.

Cut back on salt to treat eye bags: Too  much salt can lead to water retention and puffy eyes . And the fact is, most of us consume a lot of salt. So stick to one teaspoon (6 g) of salt per day to treat  eye bags.

Apply Compress To Treat Eye Bags:  Apply something cool under your eyes  for ten to twenty minutes. Cold temperature will reduce swelling. You can rub an ice cube on a damp towel under your eyes or even apply a couple of teaspoons that have been chilled in the fridge to treat  eye bags. .

Use a Cucumber Mask To Treat Eye Bags:  Cucumber slices have long been used to relieve puffy eyes . Chill a cucumber in the fridge and cut into thin circles to treat  eye bags . Now close your eyes  , place a slice over each eye and relax for a few minutes. Cucumber contains caffeic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which can help with water retention and soothe irritated skin.

Tea Bag To Treat Eye Bags:  Tea has tannins that are natural astringents. Close your eyes  and place a fresh, wet tea bag in each eye for two to five minutes To Treat  Eye Bags.

Use an Extra Pillow to Treat Eye Bags:  Lying on your side encourages fluid production. So sleep with your head up. Adding an extra pillow can help you  treat  eye bags.

Take Care of Allergies To Treat Eye Bags:  Allergies can  give you puffy eyes . The best remedy is to avoid substances that trigger your allergies  . Some common culprits include dust, mold and pollen. A saline nasal wash made by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and some baking soda in a cup of hot water can also be helpful. Your doctor may also prescribe medication that can help you  treat  eye bags.

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