10 Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect

The 10 Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect after all the hard work of losing weight with a diet.  In addition, the accordion effect  is what makes us regain the same weight (or even a kilo more) than we have managed to lose after a diet. This is not only harmful because of the serious impact it has on our self-esteem, but it is also very bad for our overall health, so it is not desirable to lose weight and then gain it back.The causes of this situation are often related to intense diets that are not balanced in nutrients needed by our body. This lack of nutrients can cause us to lose muscle instead of fat, so when we go back to these diets and eat the same number of calories, they are stored as fat. This in conjunction with the recovery of muscle tissue causes weight gain very quickly. Therefore, it is essential to achieve a balanced diet to avoid the accordion effect once you leave.

Another possible cause could be the anxiety you feel after you have refrained from eating a lot of food for a long period. a change in habits is therefore highly recommended when a new diet is started. For example, including a daily exercise , you can reduce the anxiety that gives us the diet. At the same time, it is also burning calories, so it has a dual beneficial effect. It is also essential to combine this with a balanced diet, in which calories we ingest decrease compared to our usual diet, but the amount of food is similar to achieve that feeling of being satiated. So, check out now the  10 Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect.

1. Be willing to change your eating habits:  Since you must eat to survive, get ready to change. Get rid of fad diets. Start planning your own meals using a mixture of carbohydrates, fat  and proteins, is one of the  Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect.

2. Physical Exercises: You have to do more than cardio exercise  to change your body composition. Combine cardio exercise  , aerobics, and everything that will move your body as a whole, providing greater fat burning , eliminating the accordion effect .

3. You must change your body composition:  You must increase muscle mass to become a ‘ fat burning machine’ . You don’t need to be a body builder, but you do need to replace the fat (with an acceptable body fat percentage) in your body with muscle mass. Being one of the best  Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect.

4. Make a commitment to full-body strength training:  Among other things, it builds muscle mass, speeds up your metabolism (the body has to work harder to maintain muscle mass), and helps improve bone density. And, you look great with these  Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect.

5. Walk as much as possible:  Stay active during the day as much as you can, exercise  4-5 days a week, focus on the meal plan so you avoid slipping into the accordion effect .

6. Substitution method:  If you don’t replace bad foods (like sugary foods) with good foods like fresh fruit, you will likely continue to eat large amounts of sugary foods. Try the override method – it works.
Look at how many precious tips for you to avoid the accordion effect , how many of them will you put into practice?

7. Limit Some Foods:  If you severely limit sweets, cookies, sugary drinks, high-calorie desserts, and other sugary products (by continuing to exercise), you’ll burn belly fat and lose weight with this valuable Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect .

8. Plenty of Water: Always drink plenty of water throughout the day! Avoid industrialized drinks, normally rich in sodium and chemical additives, harmful to the body. Water helps with intestinal function, skin health, cleaning the body, circulation and healthy weight loss.

9. Make a Lifetime Commitment to Fitness:  Hold on to that commitment. Without it, you will always fall into the inevitable obstacles and traps along the way.

10.  Salted and fried foods: Avoid the consumption of very salty foods. Salt generates swelling and increases the feeling of heaviness. This is one of the main  Tips to Avoid the Accordion Effect. 

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