6 Tips on How to Fight Anxiety

The 6 Tips on How to Fight Anxiety are a few simple steps that make a big difference. In addition, the term “ Anxiety ” has several definitions in non-technical dictionaries: distress, anguish, disturbance of the spirit caused by uncertainty, relationship with any context of danger, among others.

Taking into account the technical aspect, we must understand anxiety as a phenomenon that sometimes benefits us, sometimes harms us, depending on the circumstances or intensity, and that becomes pathological, that is, harmful to our psychic (mental) and somatic functioning. (corporeal).

Anxiety stimulates the individual to take action, however, in excess, it does the exact opposite, preventing reactions.

Causes of Anxiety: Anxiety disorders are diseases related to the functioning of the body and life experiences. The person may feel anxious most of the time for no apparent reason, or they may have anxiety only sometimes, but so intensely that they will feel immobilized.

The feeling of anxiety can be so uncomfortable that, to avoid it, people stop doing simple things (like using the elevator) because of the discomfort they feel. So, below check out  The 6 Tips on How to Fight Anxiety.

1. Eating every three hours is one of the main ways to fight anxiety.

2. Eat your meals slowly and in suitable places. Do not use a cell phone or computer or watch television.

3. Physical exercises help not only to maintain good shape, but also relieve tension and release substances

relaxants in the body.

4. Seek help from a psychologist to overcome personal problems that can result in binge eating.

5. Meditation and yoga help to relax and, consequently, decrease the compulsive craving for food.

6. Consume foods that act against anxiety, such as oranges , chamomile, spinach, sunflower seeds, chicken and tuna.

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