5 tips to remove plaque and tartar!

This Removes Plaque, Tartar and Stains from Teeth  in a simple and natural way. In addition, dental plaque is a bacterial layer that forms on the surface of the teeth and, in addition to giving a yellowish tone, is quite harmful. But if we don’t have the precaution to eliminate it, it will come into contact with certain foods, causing cavities or tartar.

The bacteria and germs present in plaque adhere to teeth, gums and tongue, causing bleeding, cavities , bad breath and other symptoms. In fact, if there is not good oral hygiene, these problems tend to get worse.

You can get rid of dental plaque naturally with any of these home remedies. So, check out How This Removes Plaque, Tartar and Stains From Teeth:

1. Baking soda with coconut oil:

These two ingredients are very effective in oral hygiene. Anyway, for this remedy you need: two tablespoons of coconut oil and two tablespoons of baking soda . Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste. So, brush your teeth three times a day with her.

2. Orange Peel:

Vitamin C is very effective for whitening teeth and removing dental plaque. Then apply by rubbing the inside and outside of your teeth with an orange peel for a few minutes. Brush normally.

3. Nutshell:

The peel of this fruit performs a deep cleaning, eliminating food remains, bacteria and germs that remain stuck to the teeth. The only ingredients you certainly need are walnut shells and water. To prepare it, place the peel in a pan and cover with a little water. Let it boil for 15 minutes. When it’s cool, use it to brush your teeth. Do this 3 times a day.

4. Wash with bicarbonate and salt:

Salt and baking soda have astringent effects, eliminating food that is stuck to your teeth. Finally, we recommend that you use a mouthwash with half a spoon of salt and water.

Preparation and application:

Heat the water, add the bicarbonate and salt and dissolve well. So, when the mixture is cool, rinse it off before brushing your teeth.

5. Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria produced on teeth and gums. To make a wash you need: a glass of water and four tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide . Mix and gargle for one minute after each brushing.

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