12 health benefits of iron!

Iron is the most essential and important nutrient for our daily activities. This includes the basic functions of the body such as the proper growth and development of the human body. It also helps in metabolizing proteins and in the production of hemoglobin, enzymes and RBCs. Iron transfers oxygen from the blood and muscles and discards carbon dioxide. Iron requires adequate amounts of calcium and copper for proper functioning, while ascorbic acid helps to increase its absorption into the blood.

Iron can be obtained from foods such as fish, meat, legumes, lentils, soybeans, cereals, bread, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, spinach , turnip greens, kale , broccoli and dried fruit.


1. Helps in the formation of hemoglobin: 

This is the most important function of iron . Hemoglobin is the most essential element for carrying oxygen throughout the body, which gives dark blood its red color.

2. Helps transport oxygen throughout the body: 

As explained before, it acts as an oxygen carrier in our body and helps to transfer oxygen from one body cell to another. This is the most important function of iron , as oxygen is required by each and every part of the body to perform routine daily body functions.

3. Improves muscle performance: 

Iron intake is widely used for muscle health. This is found in myoglobin (muscle protein), which carries oxygen from hemoglobin and leaves it throughout muscle cells. This is also necessary for the contraction of muscles.

4. Improves brain function: 

About 20% of the oxygen in our blood is used by the brain. It helps deliver oxygen to the blood intake, which is vital for brain health.

5. Prevents anemia: 

Iron deficiency anemia is the best example of mineral deficiency. Adequate iron intake throughout a person’s life helps prevent anemia. This disease can have symptoms like fatigue, body weakness, headaches and increased sensitivity to cold.

6. Prevents chronic diseases: 

Kidney failure anemia and pre-dialysis anemia are also cured by adequate iron intake .

7. Relieves PMS Symptoms: 

Adequate iron intake can reduce symptoms of premenstrual symptoms such as dizziness, mood swings, hypertension, etc. Iron deficiency can increase premenstrual mood swings such as irritability and depression.

8. Improves men’s health: 

Men should get their iron from food sources only, not from an iron supplement. This is because a man’s body can absorb iron more efficiently from natural sources. Whereas, women lose iron very easily through the blood loss experienced through menstruation .

9. Strengthens the hair: 

It plays an essential role in the nutrition and oxygenation of the hair roots. A lack of iron can cause hair to become dull, thin, dry and hair loss.

10. Beneficial during pregnancy: 

It helps in the proper formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of the blood in pregnant women and their fetus. Pregnant women should consume foods rich in iron for the proper growth of the fetus. Pregnant women should take 27 milligrams of iron a day. Iron supplements can give the best result when they are consumed with foods that are rich in vitamin C, like orange, tomato juice.

11. Improves skin and nails: 

It is a useful element for the proper functioning of antioxidants and also helps to activate the B group vitamins. This also maintains the health of the skin. Deficiency of this vitamin can also cause fatigue , pale face, dry skin and split hair ends. This can also lead to nails breaking easily and making them brittle.

12. Helps you lose weight: 

It helps red blood cells carry oxygen in the body to function properly. It’s hard to have the energy to exercise without this element, and you’ll easily feel tired, run down and exhausted all the time. Hence exercising with high energy can lead to weight loss. It is one of the most important minerals you can eat to lose weight.

Some important tips:

  • 1. Avoid excess iron dosage, which can negatively affect your health.
  • 2. Consult a physician before taking supplements.
  • 3. Iron deficiency can cause shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, infection, palpitations.
  • 4. Pregnant women should include a good amount of iron in their diet.
  • 5. Must be obtained from natural sources.
  • 6. Exercise can result in the loss of iron from the body

Keep in mind the need and limit of the use of iron in your daily life, balance is the key to good health!

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