The 8 Powerful Foods for the Body
Powerful Foods for the Organism send toxins away and get healthier with powerful foods . In addition, when the body is intoxicated, it presents symptoms that interfere with everyday life, such as migraine, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia… reverse the intoxication picture .”
These foods provide necessary support to the body’s natural detoxification systems. In this process, such substances, which are not subject to excretion, undergo changes in their chemical structure, which make it possible to eliminate the body through feces or urine .
Mighty Fruits:
Watermelon: Because it contains a lot of water, the fruit is diuretic and helps to satiate and cleanse the body. In addition, it has few calories.
Papaya: It is well known for being a Powerful Food for the Organism and helping the intestine and this is due to a substance called papain , which transforms food proteins into amino acids and improves the functioning of peristaltic movements.
Melon: It contains high fiber and water content, which, in contact with potassium and magnesium, contributes to the functioning of the intestine.
Pineapple: The fruit is an ally of the stomach because it contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down food proteins . Not to mention that it contains a good amount of soluble fiber, which helps in the digestive process.
Kiwi: Rich in fiber, it is also a Powerful for the Organism , acting against free radicals and preventing tumors.
Apple: It is a great ally of weight loss because it is rich in fiber, especially the soluble type, such as pectin. It is also antacid, activates the liver and dissolves uric acid that retains fluid in the body .
Orange with Pomace: In addition to providing vitamin C, fruit pomace concentrates the greatest source of fiber, which helps the intestine to function regularly and eliminate impurities . It also has potassium, which is responsible for muscle contraction and helps maintain arterial pressure .
Lemon: With high detoxifying power , lemon is a fruit that can be used in its entirety, because its peel contains limonene, which penetrates the tissues and cells of the body acting as a solvent.