The 7 Best Vitamin C Currently on the Market

The Best Vitamin C Currently on the  Brazilian Market. In addition, Vitamin C protects against low immunity, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases and even skin aging . Vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels and regulate cholesterol levels. When it comes to the common cold, Vitamin C does not work as a cure. However, some studies show that taking it for colds and flu can reduce your risk of developing pneumonia and lung infections . Vitamin C is related to reducing the severity of symptoms and the duration of illness. So check it out now The 7 Best Vitamin C Currently on the Market:Targifor C:  Targifor C is one of the best  Vitamin C currently on the market. Well, it helps in the fight againstphysical and mental fatigue .Indications: Indicated as a vitamin and mineral supplement. It acts as an aid to the immune system , fighting and reducing the risk of chronic and acute infectious diseases, such as colds. Also indicated as an antioxidant, healing, after surgeries, in case of chronic illness or convalescence, in case of restrictive and inadequate diets or vitamin deficiency. Does not contain sugar. Oral use.

Contraindications: Not to be used by patients with severe kidney disease. Also contraindicated for patients who have known hypersensitivity (allergy) to any component of the formula.

Precautions: Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should only consume this product under the guidance/recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist.

Bio C: Bio C is a good alternative to  Vitamin C. It helps to fightphysical and mental fatigue .

Indications: Supplementation of the daily needs of Vitamin C in the body, auxiliary of the immune system and even in the phases of growth.

Contraindications: It should not be used by patients with known hypersensitivity (allergy) to ascorbic acid or any other component of the product. It is contraindicated in patients with urolithiasis (kidney stones) accompanied by severe renal failure.

Adverse Reactions: Digestive disturbances, erythema, headache, increased diuresis may occur.

Precautions: Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children only use the product under medical supervision.

BioArgi C: Bioargi C is one of the top  Vitamin C currently on the market. Well, it fights free radicals, reduces wrinkles, has antioxidant properties, stimulates the natural production of collagen, accelerates exfoliation.

Indications: Helps in the proper functioning of the immune system ; has antioxidant action; It can be used post-surgical and also as a healing agent. Also indicated in chronic diseases and convalescence, in addition to restrictive and inadequate diets. Oral use. Adult use.

Contraindications: For patients with hypersensitivity to arginine, ascorbic acid or any other component of the formula. It should also not be used in patients with urolithiasis (kidney stone) accompanied by oxaluria (presence of oxalic in the urine) and in cases of severe renal failure.

Adverse Reactions: Diarrhea , facial flushing, headache, nausea, vomiting and stomach pains.

Precautions: Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should only use BioArgi C under the recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist.

Redoxon Zinc: Redoxon Zinc is one of the best  Vitamin C currently on the market. Well, Redoxon Zinc is the first Vitamin C supplement that combines the properties of this substance with those of zinc for the proper functioning of the immune system .

Indication: Redoxon Zinc is indicated as a vitamin and mineral supplement; as an aid to the immune system  (in fighting and reducing the risk of chronic and acute infectious diseases, such as colds); as an antioxidant; healing; after surgeries; in case of chronic illness or convalescence; in case of restrictive and inappropriate diets or Vitamin C and/or Zinc deficiency (for example in smokers). Redoxon Zinc is sweetened with aspartame and can be used by diabetics.

Contraindications: For patients with severe kidney disease, in patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.

Adverse Reactions: Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and increased diuresis may occur.

Precautions: Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children up to 3 (three) years of age should only consume this product under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

Biovita C: Biovita C is a good option for  Vitamin C. Because Biovita C prevents colds and flu, Helps the body’s defense system against infections, and is effective in wound healing, Helps in tissue repair.

Indications: It is indicated for quick correction of vitamin C deficiency states ; as a stimulant of organic defenses in times of greater danger of infection; to meet the increased needs that occur in normal states (pregnancy, lactation, sports activity, intense work) and pathological (infectious diseases and feverish states).

Contraindications: For patients who are hypersensitive to ascorbic acid or any other component of the formula; in cases of hyperoxaluria as oxalate is a metabolite of ascorbic acid and renal failure or history of renal calculi.

Adverse Reactions: High doses can cause diarrhea , gastrointestinal effects and calcium oxalate kidney stone formation.

Precautions: Vitamin C should be avoided in patients who have renal failure and urolithiasis (kidney stones). Contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the formulation.

Viter C:  Viter C is one of the best  Vitamin C currently on the market. Well, it prevents colds and flu , helps the body’s defense system against infections, and is effective in wound healing, assists in tissue repair.

Indications: It is indicated in all states in which there is a deficiency or increase in the needs of Vitamin C in the body and assist in the immune system .

Contraindications: For patients who are hypersensitive to ascorbic acid or any other component of the formula; in cases of hyperoxaluria as oxalate is a metabolite of ascorbic acid and renal failure or history of renal calculi.

Adverse Reactions: High doses can cause diarrhea , gastrointestinal effects and calcium oxalate kidney stone formation.

Energil C: Energil C fights free radicals, reduces wrinkles, has antioxidant properties, stimulates the natural production of collagen, accelerates exfoliation. Therefore, it is one of the main  Vitamin C currently on the market.

Indication: It is indicated as a vitamin supplement; immune system helper ; antioxidant; healing; after surgeries; in case of chronic illness and convalescence; restrictive and inappropriate diets; as an aid in deficiency anemias.

Contraindications: For patients with severe kidney disease, in patients with known hypersensitivity to any component of the formula.

Precautions: Pregnant or breastfeeding women (nursing mothers) and children up to 3 (three) years old should only consume this product under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

Adverse Reactions: High doses can cause diarrhea and kidney stone formation.

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