5 health benefits of purple spinach!

The health benefits of purple spinach  are diverse, as spinach is one of the vegetables that we usually consume in our diet. But, perhaps the vast majority do not know, however, you should know what the health benefits are.

Purple spinach  has a scientific name Alternanthera strigosa . It can grow in highland areas as well as lowland areas, they are found in East Java, West Java, Central Java and Bali. Like other spinach, it can also be used for cooking. Now that you know its origin, take a closer look.

Health benefits of purple spinach:

Relieve Headache:

Suffer from a headache but don’t want to take medicine? Use a natural treatment using leaves.

Water derived from a stew of purple spinach  leaves can help with headache relief.

Treat dysentery: 

Sick of dysentery? Try treating it with spinach. Dysentery is an infection of the intestines that causes diarrhea with blood or mucus, and is very painful.

You can drink water from the stems to alleviate this dysentery problem.

For the digestive system:

Fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive system. Just like other vegetables, they also have a lot of fiber content.

By consuming purple spinach , the digestive system in the body will be smoother and prevent constipation problem.

Contra to anemia:

Anemia is a problem when the body has no red blood cell count or hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia can cause you to get tired quickly, have a headache, difficulty concentrating, nausea and vomiting , and have pale skin. They can save you from this anemic problem.

Purple spinach  has high iron and folate content that can help with anemia relief as folate supports red blood cell production. In this way, the body can have enough red blood cells and prevent anemia.

Kidney health:

The kidneys work on filtering clean blood and removing dirty blood. If the kidneys have problems, dirty blood can spread through the body and harm other organs.

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