The 15 Health Benefits of Horsetail Tea

The benefits of horsetail tea are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, horsetail is a plant that grows in humid regions. Tea is made by boiling the plant with water.

The diuretic properties in horsetail tea help to increase urination further, which cures heart failure, high blood pressure, kidney disease and liver disease. It also eliminates excess salts, fats and other toxins. It also eradicates seizures. The presence of silica in horsetail enhances bones, internal organs and joints. It also treats weakened and fractured bones, brittle or peeling nails, hair loss and swelling.

Horsetail tea has huge amounts of nutrients and minerals such as potassium , flavonoids, iron , saponins, fatty acids, glycosides, aconitic acid, manganese , aluminum, calcium , caffeic acid, esters, alkaloids, phenolic acids and silica.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea For Diuretic Use: Horsetail  increases the flow of urine, which treats kidney disease and edema. According to herbalist Jeanne Rose, horsetail tea should be added to bath water so that it soothes women’s premenstrual bloating.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea to Strengthen Bones:  The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that the presence of silica in horsetail tea counteracts osteoporosis. One study shows that those who took horsetail extract their bone density was improved. It helps improve air walls and also increases resistance. It also refreshes sputum and eradicates discomfort caused due to coughing. It treats health ailments such as bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. Horsetail tea increases the absorption and utilization of calcium, which helps to strengthen bones. It also treats arthritis which is caused by wear and tear on the bones and joint ligaments.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea To Promote Healthy Hair:  Chilled horsetail tea should be used as a hair rinse by including a small amount of fresh horsetail tea in the shampoo. As horsetail tea has silica, daily intake of this tea helps to increase hair growth. Along with hair growth, the tea also treats scalp conditions and dandruff.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea for Kidney and Bladder Health: Horsetail  tea promotes the flow of urine, cleaning out excess water and waste. It also reduces the tension that causes urinary tract infections. In addition, it relieves pressure on the kidneys with important minerals and vitamins and also eradicates the urge to urinate frequently. A bath with horsetail tea two to three times a week for 15 minutes cures urinary problems and UTIs.

Horsetail Tea Benefits Respiratory Health:   Tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma are the respiratory diseases that are treated with horsetail tea . This is because it has a large amount of silicic acid that increases the lungs and resistance to disease. This raises the rate of sputum by clearing waste products in the lungs. It cures bronchitis, dry cough, fever and nasal congestion related to flu and cold. Respiratory problems and coughing can be relieved by drinking horsetail tea 2-3 times in a day.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea for Edema:  Daily intake of horsetail tea for about two months helps to relieve edema. This facilitates the production of urine and the excess minerals and fluid is eliminated from the body. The minerals present in horsetail replace minerals in the body.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea for Gingivitis and Tonsillitis:  Mouth sores, inflamed tonsils and bleeding gums are relieved by gargling with a mouthwash made from horsetail tea.

Horsetail Tea Benefits For Skin Problems:  The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help in delaying the signs of aging by improving connective tissues. It soothes inflamed and irritated skin.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea for Hemorrhoids:  The hemostatic and anti-inflammatory property reduces or stops the bleeding that is caused due to hemorrhoids. In addition, it decreases pain. Before each meal, a glass of tea should be drunk to treat hemorrhoids.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea to Reduce Bloating: Horsetail  tea helps to reduce swelling in the body and also eliminates water retention.

Benefits of Horsetail Tea To Promote Joint Health:  The presence of silicic acid helps to strengthen connective tissues in the body and joints. It treats skin conditions, gout, injuries and rheumatism.

Horsetail Tea Promotes Blood Clotting:  It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and also improves blood clotting. The tea also treats irregular menstruation and cramping pain. It also cures bleeding gums and nose.

Horsetail Tea Benefits for Kidney Stones: Horsetail  tea is effective for those who have uric acid kidney stones related to gout disease. In turn, the tea flushes out the kidney and gallbladder stones with the eradication of urinary tract infection symptoms.

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