The 12 Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil benefits are great for health, People today have become more health conscious than ever before, and understand that fat is an important part of their daily diets, as well as other components such as protein and carbohydrates.
More and more people are becoming interested in flaxseed oil , which is rich in Omega-3 fats that, according to research from various health organizations, are good for the heart. In addition, flaxseed oil benefits people in many other ways. It is full of Manganese and fiber which makes it totally a necessary healthy source of nutrition for the body. Flaxseed has been used since the Stone Age, its popularity reaching the cuisines of Ancient Greece as well, and since then the benefits of flaxseed oil have been widely known and used. So, check out the 12 health benefits of flaxseed oil .
Flaxseed Oil Boosts Energy:  Flaxseed oil helps increase energy levels and stamina by increasing stamina and helping to keep a person energized throughout the day.
Flaxseed Oil Helps Accelerate Healing:Â Â Another big factor among thebenefits of flaxseed oilcomes down to the healing properties it contains that helps heal from injuries faster.
Flaxseed Oil Helps You Lose Weight:Â Â Flaxseedoil, despite being a fat, is a good type of omega-3 fat and an excellent tool to help increase your metabolic rate and burn calories and fat faster.
Flaxseed Oil Helps Fight Inflammation:Â Â Flaxseedoilis also used for some patients to treat lupus inflammation and gout.
Flaxseed Oil Helps Promote Ovulation:Â Â Flaxseedoilis also a great supplement for women who are trying to conceive as it helps promote ovulation.
Flaxseed Oil Relieves Constipation and Hemorrhoids: Flaxseed  oil helps loosen stools, making it easier to pass, thus helping to relieve constipation and hemorrhoids.
Flaxseed Oil Decreases Blood Pressure:Â Â Flaxseedoilis widely used by patients suffering from hypertension, high blood pressure, which is one of the benefits of flaxseed oil.
Flaxseed Oil Soothes Skin:  Applied externally,  flaxseed oil  can help with the anti-aging process and soothe the skin, as well as treat dry skin.
Other Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil:Â
- Flaxseed Oil  Aids in Cancer Reduction According to research carried out at the University of Toronto, women who suffer from breast cancer, regardless of the degree of invasiveness of the disease, can benefit from treatment with its consumption.
- Studies also point out that nutrients present in flaxseed oil can protect cells against the effects of aging.
- Flaxseed oil can also help lower heart disease, lower cholesterol, and treat multiple sclerosis.
PRECAUTIONS FOR USING FLAX OIL:  According to theAmerican Heart Association, doctors and health experts alike recommend a daily dose of 1000 mgof flaxseed oilper day. The oil is easy to consume, as it can be added to the daily diet through yogurts, salads, among others. You can even drizzle some of the oil over the vegetables, which gives them a richer flavor. Don’t be worried about eating too much, as research indicates that an average adult can eat up to 30g of flaxseed oil daily without any side effects. To get the fullbenefits of flaxseed oil, keep the following precautions in mind:
- After purchasing flaxseed oil , be sure to store it in a cool, dark place or you can even keep it in the fridge. If any unusual flaxseed oil odor is noticed , throw it away, do not even apply it to the skin, as it could cause a rash or blemishes.
- It is also important to note how much linseed oil is sold for painting or gardening and should not be consumed; so make sure you read the label properly or even ask the store owner to be sure.
- Daily dosages of flaxseed oil have rarely been known to cause gas and bloating, which is why most health experts recommend introducing the oil into the diet gradually, giving the body time to adjust to it.
- Some drugs, blood thinning drugs like aspirin, have been known to react negatively with flaxseed oil.  So, check with your doctor if you are taking any other type of medication before introducing the oil into your diet.
- Flaxseed oil is also known to lower blood sugar levels, so if you are diabetic or suffering from low blood pressure, talk to your doctor first.
- If a person feels they need more information about this food before making a decision as to whether it is the right supplement or not, don’t be afraid to ask the doctor.
- Pregnant women should also talk to their doctors before consuming flaxseed oil, as large portions of it can be harmful to the baby.