11 health benefits of marapuama!
Marapuama provides essential nutrients for overall health . In addition, Marapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is an herbal plant that belongs to the Olacaceae family. It has been used as a medicine and aphrodisiac for a long time, especially by Amazonian tribes in Brazil. The part of the plant that is used as medicine is the roots and bark.
The Picochopetalum olacoides plant is mainly cultivated in America and nowadays it has been used in many types of medicines.
Health benefits of marapuama:
1. Treat sexual weakness:
Marapuama is still highly recommended as a natural aphrodisiac, or a herbal medicine to promote sexual function. It has been listed in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia since the 1950s.
A study by researchers that included 262 men suffering from sexual weakness found that Marapuama can improve the sexual ability of more than 50% of men, especially erection.
2. Prevent infertility:
Marapuama can not only be used to treat sexual weakness, but also infertility. Infertility in men is a problem when the man cannot ejaculate or has a low level of testosterone (a hormone that promotes the production and release of sperm). Marapuama contains plant sterol, which can improve testosterone level and acts as the building block of testosterone.
3. Treat frigidity in women:
Not only can it increase sexual function in men, Marapuama is effective in treating low sex drive or frigidity in women.
According to the study in 1990 that included 202 healthy frigid women it was found that after a month of taking a Marapuama supplement , 65% of these women experience increased libido or sexual desire and satisfaction. It is an herbal remedy used nowadays to increase orgasm and fantasies in women.
4. Cure premenstrual syndrome:
Marapuama can be used to treat premenstrual syndrome such as mood swing, menstrual cramps, weakness and etc. The benefit of Marapuama in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome has been used by Brazilians for a long time.
5. Relieve neurasthenia:
Neurasthenia is a nervous disorder that occurs in the brain and has various symptoms such as headache, fatigue, lack of motivation and feelings of inadequacy. According to the study, Marapuama can improve brain function and relieve neurasthenia.
6. Treating nervous depression:
Not only in Brazil, Marapuama is also well known in Germany as a reliever of the neural or central nervous system. Marapuama supplementation may alleviate nervous depression and improve mood in some depressed patients.
7. Reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptom:
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the symptoms of the autoimmune disease. It is a problem where the immune system does not function normally in the body.
The immune system cells will consume or attack the healthy cells present in the patient’s body. This results in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, such as joint pain. Consuming Marapuama regularly can reduce the cause of rheumatoid arthritis pain.
8. Treat an upset stomach:
Marapuama can be used to treat an irritated stomach that has signs of nausea, vomiting, morning sickness and other stomach discomforts. It is also good pain reliever for people suffering from stomach pain.
9. Prevent Alzheimer’s:
Marapuama can maintain the level and improve the amount of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylkoline is an important neurotransmitter in the brain.
The decreasing level of acetylcholine can increase the impact and trigger the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Taking Marapuama supplement can maintain healthy brain function and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, which often occurs in old age.
10. Prevent cancer:
Marapuama contains lignans which are known as a substance that can not only increase sexual desire but also prevent certain types of cancer, especially this effect on sexual organs such as prostate, endometrium, ovary and breast cancer.
11. Treat diarrhea:
Diarrhea is a common problem that occurs in the digestive tract. Watery stools in a patient with diarrhea are caused by the problem in the large intestine.
During the process of defecation, the large intestine cannot absorb water from the stool and trigger diarrhea. Many factors can cause diarrhea such as bacterial infection and also spicy and sour foods. If you experience diarrhea, taking the Marapuama supplement can also be effective.