The 10 Symptoms of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Symptoms Hair loss is a common phenomenon faced by women of all ages. The hair growth cycle  follows a pattern where hair grows, falls out, and new hair grows back, covering the loss. This growth cycle is greatly affected by diet and other health conditions in women. When there is a disturbance in the hair growth phases , it is possible to experience hair loss symptoms over time.So how do you know if hair loss is just normal or a symptom of a hair loss problem ?. So, check out  The 10 Symptoms of Hair Loss:1. Fragile Hair: When the hair is touched, it feels fragile and breaks easily. This is the biggest Hair Loss Symptoms that is ignored. Brittle hair is a cause of poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Lack of proper nutrition affects hair like any other part of the body. It would be possible to easily notice this symptom just by tying the hair , and the root part would simply fall out without any pain.

2. Thinner Hair: Symptoms of Hair Loss  and due to thinning is one of the most common symptoms of hair loss. It usually starts with the thinning of the wire even if no real evidence of the drop is observed. The hair thinning process may not keep up with the heavy fall but it is a slow pattern process where you would eventually lose hair more than normal. This thinning of the hair happens gradually. It’s possible to not even be aware of it until you suddenly wake up one morning and notice that your hair  is thinner than it was a few months ago.

3. Body Hair Loss: Hair Loss Symptoms  that affect all strands on the body and hair is not lost only from the head. Eyebrow loss is the biggest concern for women. When the eyebrow thins without pulling or plucking, it’s an issue that needs attention. Natural remedies like applying castor oil to your eyebrows can work effectively. So there’s no downside to finding what works for you.

4. Hair Is Seen Everywhere:  Hair loss  doesn’t start with extreme symptoms of loss in the early stages. The person is obliged to find hair loss symptoms  that may not be noticed and that are in fact symptoms. In fact it is possible to have ignored them. For example, it is possible to notice that a lot of hair  falls out when using the brush. Hair loss  can be such that it is necessary to clean the brush after each use. It is possible to also find enough of hair loss on a towel or pillow that you slept on. These are hair loss symptoms.

5. Scalp Hair Loss:  Severe hair loss  that may have happened over a period of four to six months can result in small to large patches on the scalp. This is an important issue  of Hair Loss Symptoms as the strands may be thinning out so much that it is possible to notice it reflected on the scalp.

6. Hair Loss on the Front and Top of the Head Only:  If you have hair loss  on the front and top of the head only, the symptoms of hair loss indicate an underlying condition. The hair  on the front and top will thin and fall out completely. This type of hair loss  can prompt you to pay attention to all health conditions, and one should consult a doctor immediately.

7. Itching or Irritation:  Scalp irritation is a hair loss symptom  for some. This issue mainly arises due to hair color allergy or any new shampoo you may have used recently. However, this hair loss condition  is temporary and will go away after you seek some medical help.

8. Hair Hurts When Trying to Tie It Up:  The person who often tightly holds the strands in a ponytail or braid, the head can hurt and is usually accompanied by hair loss . This loss condition can be said to be temporary and will end soon once there is a break from tying the threads too tight.

9. Hair Loss When It’s Wet:  If you see a lot of hair  in the bathroom, as soon as you finish washing, know that this is the biggest sign and symptom that you are suffering from hair loss.

10. Dry Hair:  Pollution, hair dye , dryers, excess sun exposure are the main factors that can contribute to dry and frizzy hair . This condition of the strands usually causes some hair loss, but not heavy hair loss. A good mask or conditioner can help solve this problem.

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