The 10 Home Recipes to Treat Anemia
But if you have anemia, your body just doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood, leaving you tired and weak. Severe or unremitting anemia can damage the heart, brain and other organs in the body – and it can even kill.
Iron deficiency  is associated with anemia; and according to the Centers for Disease Control, it is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, it is important that you learn to recognize the symptoms and how to treat anemia.
What Causes Anemia?
It is a condition that has a cure and treatment. There are three main causes of Anemia :
- High destruction of red blood cells in the body.
- Low production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.
- Loss of red blood cells and iron  through bleeding.
- Iron deficiency anemia  , both in children and pregnant women, basically consists of insufficient consumption of foods that are sources of iron and  /or with low bioavailability.
In pregnant women, anemia  can also be caused by low  preconceptional iron stores and the high need for the mineral due to the formation of maternal and fetal tissues.
Anemia complications:
Iron deficiency anemia can have the following consequences:
- Apathy (morbidity).
- Low weight at birth.
- Decreased productivity at work.
- Decreased ability to learn.
- Perinatal mortality.
- Significant loss of cognitive ability.
- Growth retardation.
Anemia can also  be the primary cause of one in five deaths in parturient women or be associated with up to 50% of deaths. In children, anemia  is associated with problems such as:
- Impairment of learning ability (cognitive development).
- Motor and language coordination.
- Behavioral effects such as lack of attention, fatigue, reduced physical activity and affectivity, as well as low resistance to infections.
- In pregnant women, anemia  is associated with low birth weight and an increase in perinatal mortality.
- Growth retardation.
Anemia can  not turn into leukemia! This is yet another widespread false idea, Anemia  does not progress to leukemia, as it does to any other type of cancer . What happens is the drop in hematocrit values ​​indicating a possible cancer , that is, what happens is leukemia having anemia as a symptom. So, check out  10 Home Recipes to Treat Anemia:
1. Home Remedies for Anemia with Beetroot and Orange:
- 1/2 Beetroot .
- 1 cup (200ml) of milk.
- 1/2 cup (tea) of pure orange juice .
- 2 Tablespoons (soup) of oat bran .
- In a blender place the milk, orange juice and oat  bran .
- Beat well until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
- Drink 1 glass of (250)ml once a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Oranges
2. Home Remedies with Kale with Spinach for Anemia:
- Blend all ingredients in a blender like water.
- If desired, add honey.
- Drink 1 Glass, 4 times a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 33 Health Benefits of Cabbage
3. Home Remedy For Anemia:
- 1 carrot ;
- 1  Raw Beetroot ;
- 1 cup (large) of milk.
- Mix all ingredients in a blender.
- If desired, add a spoonful of sugar.
- Drink a glass first thing in the morning for 15 days.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Carrots
4. Home Remedies with Carqueja Tea for Anemia:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of carqueja leaves .
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes.
- drink 5 cups (tea) a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Carqueja
5. Home Remedies For Anemia Using Nettle Tea:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of fresh nettle leaves.
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Drink 3 cups (tea) a day.
6. Home Remedies for Anemia with Carrots and Beetroot:
- Blend everything in the blender.
- drink a glass 3 times a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Beetroot
7. Home Remedies with Pineapple and Kale for Anemia:
- Blend everything in the blender.
- If you prefer, add a spoon of honey.
- Drink 1 body 3 times a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Pineapple
8. Home Remedies with Dandelion Tea for Anemia:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of dandelion leaves.
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Drink 5 cups a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 40 Health Benefits of Carqueja Tea
9. Home Remedies for Anemia Using Artemisia Tea:
Mugwort tea  is an excellent home remedy against anemia  because this medicinal plant contains vitamin C , which helps the body to better absorb and use iron .
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of mugwort leaves .
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for approximately 5 minutes.
- Drink 5 cups a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 10 Health Benefits of Artemisia Tea
10. Turmeric Tea Anemia Home Remedies:
- 1 tablespoon (dessert) saffron leaves .
- 1 cup (tea) of boiling water.
- add all the ingredients and let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Take 1 cup, 3 times a day.
SEE ALSO:Â Â The 20 Health Benefits of Turmeric
Attention:  It is important to seek medical help whenever Anemia is suspected . Don’t be satisfied with just diagnosing Anemia  and prescribing iron  for treatment. Ask your doctor what is causing your hematocrit to drop and what is being done to diagnose and treat it.