The 10 Health Benefits of Sweet Lime
News of the week:
Benefits of Sweet Lime for Bleeding Gums: The source of gum problems is vitamin C deficiency (scurvy, which gives the gums bleeding and spongy texture) and microbial growth. Sometimes ulcers, bone wounds, hard objects etc are also the causes. In all these cases, the file can help you. Vitamin C cures scurvy, flavonoids inhibit microbial growth, and potassium along with flavonoids helps heal ulcers and wounds.
Benefits of Sweet Lime To Treat Urinary Infections: The high potassium content of lime is very effective in removing toxic substances and stones deposited in the kidneys and bladder, and its disinfectant properties help to cure urinary system infections. It also prevents prostate growth (very common in men over 40) and clears urine blockage due to calcium deposition in the urinary tract.
Benefits of Sweet Lima To help with weight loss: To ensure that you lose a few pounds, it is important that in addition to our recipe tip, you maintain some type of physical activity weekly, such as running, cycling or aerobic exercise, in addition to avoiding meals. that contain a lot of sugar, fat and carbohydrates.
Benefits of Sweet Lime To Treat Hemorrhoids :Sweetlimehelps to heal ulcers and wounds in the digestive system and excretory system and relieves constipation as well, eliminating all causes of hemorrhoids.
Benefits of Sweet Lime For Healthy Skin: Applying both sweet lime juice and its oil externally to the skin helps to work on rejuvenation, in addition to keeping the skin healthy, protecting it from infections. This is due to the large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants, which eliminate dead cells, consequently eliminating problems such as dandruff, skin rashes and bruises.
Benefits of Sweet Lime Against Gout: There are two main causes of gout. While the first reason is the accumulation of free radicals in the body, the second is the accumulation of toxins, mainly uric acid. Now sweet lime can help you with both. It is a reservoir of antioxidants and detoxifiers ( vitamin C and flavonoids) that fight free radicals as well as detoxify the body.
Benefits of Sweet Lime to Treat Peptic Ulcer: Lime, in addition to vitamin C , contains special compounds called flavonoids (limoniades, such as Limonin Glucoside), which have antioxidant, anti-cancer, antibiotic and detoxifying properties , which help with healing. of peptic and oral ulcers.
Benefits of Sweet Lime to End Respiratory Diseases: The oil extracted from lime, which contains flavonoids is widely used in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vaporizers, inhalers due to the presence of Kaempferol. Just scratching the rind of a sweet lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief from congestion and nausea.
Sweet Lime Benefits for the Eyes: Vitamin C again! Its anti-oxidant properties protect the eyes from aging and macular degeneration. Flavonoids help protect them from infections.
Benefits of Sweet Lime For Cure Scurvy: Lime is famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease that is caused due to vitamin C deficiency and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold; chapped lips and corners of lips; ulcers on the tongue and mouth; spongy, swollen and bleeding gums etc that even a child nowadays can have.
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Because its cause is vitamin C deficiency , its remedy can be none other than vitamin C, and lime is blessed with this vitamin. In the old days, soldiers and sailors took lime to keep themselves safe from scurvy, which was a dreaded disease then. Even now, it is distributed among workers working in polluting environments, such as in furnaces, paint shops, heat treatments, cement factories, mines, etc., to protect them from scurvy.